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4.3 11
Young Adult Fiction 309
An amazing fast-paced angel story! A definite must read now!
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Embrace has got it all - a great paranormal romance with a fast paced story that I was not able to put down. If you know me at all, you know how much I love my angel stories (as much as I love my fairytales), but this story was not like any other angel story that I have read. Shirvington's version of "good vs. bad" angels was exhilarating .. the slightly predictable love triangle between "slightly whiny damsel in distress" with "perfect guy vs. dark and brooding bad boy" wasn't overpowering and in the end left me breathless and seeing that it wasn't so predictable after all.

It's Violet Eden's seventeenth birthday and things are about to change for her. She finds out things about herself and her deceased mother that cannot be ignored. And as more of her mother's history unravels and revelations are made, Violet handles it all just like any other person would - slightly panicked and somewhat in denial, but she keeps her head on straight and focuses on what needs to be done. She is smart, sassy, and be no means not perfect at all. I really felt like I could relate to her and her imperfections. But she was also so very strong and determined, definitely not one to back down, and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and protect the people that she cares for.
Now she must decide if she is to embrace her destiny or go on and try to live a normal life.
If she chooses the latter, it will be with much difficulties.

She's known Lincoln for a while now, and is one of the very few people that she trusts. Once I met Lincoln, I could not blame Violet for having a severe crush on him - he is endearing and patient, and you can feel how much he cares for Violet. And as much as Violet thinks she knows him, his likes and dislikes and such, Lincoln is holding back. And when the secrets start to unfold, the consequences are brutal. Violet knows that Lincoln can help her and has the answers to all of her questions, but his slow revelations and over-protectiveness wears Violets patience - why couldn't he have told her everything right from the beginning, she doesn't know if she can ever fully trust him again.

And right on cue, in walks Phoenix - handsome, mysterious and alluring - who wouldn't be attracted to him? He is doesn't hold back and answers Violets questions without much hesitation. But there are some questionable things that he does, things that were a little difficult for me to understand and how Violet wasn't questioning the things that he did and didn't feel threaten by him. In the end, we are told why. And now I understand her enchantment with him. Yes, the dark gorgeous look and vibe for him does make him irresistible, but once the truth comes out, you'll probably want to run away too... or not.

The plot-twists and continuous revelations hooked me right from the beginning! This is definitely an angel series that you won't want to miss out on!
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