Review Detail

4.3 11
Young Adult Fiction 309
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Originally I was drawn into this story by the cover. I love the purple and the smoke that looks like wings and the falling feathers. But as I began to read, it became clear that I was continuing the story for way more than that.
Violet doesn't look forward to her birthday because it marks the day her mother died. Her death brought all types of questions that she never knew she had. That is until the man she loves tells her.... On accident.
She then finds herself in the middle of a battle as old as time and learns about a whole different world that she never knew existed. As she learns more about this new world, she learns more about herself that she never knew existed.
This book definitely caught me by surprise. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did. It was like non stop action and a whole lot of suspense. Along with a little paranormal. It was a nice refreshing angel story that I found myself reading nonstop- at work, at the nail shop, and while I was in the library trying to finish homework. Yes I was able to catch the plot twist early on in the story, but even still, I was still hooked on the story.
There were two things in the story that I could complain about, but part of it had to do with the plot twist so there's really not much I can say there. But the second thing, was the fact that a lot of the stuff in the book was very cliche. Such as the night club they went to "Hades." Really?! You couldn't think of anything else? lol And then there is her last name... Eden. Like "The Garden of Eden." I guess. I just think it may have been cooler had it been a little more original. But for the most part I overlooked it.
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