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4.0 88
Young Adult Fiction 2145
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Like I said, Eclipse is easily my favorite, but I found that I didn’t enjoy it as much the second time around. This time the annoying things stuck out more and hindered my enjoyment of it, but it was still a great read. There’s a lot going on in Eclipse, and it has all of the features that the previous books were missing.

There’s finally a sense of urgency with the plot. What appears to be a serial killer on the loose in Seattle, ends up being something much, much more, threatening both Bella and the Cullens. Instead of just sitting around, Bella is actually scared and tries to help, despite being just a lowly human with no special powers or skills.

Also, we finally get out of the tiny Bedward bubble and learn more about other members of the Cullen family and the Quiluete tribe. This was probably my favorite part about Eclipse, even though it added a lot of pages of info-dumping. At least it was interesting dumpage, particularly Rosalie’s chapter. She’s not just a beautiful bitch. There’s much more to her, and the situation surrounding her transformation definitely explains her tough exterior.

The thing that made me drop a star, was all of the manipulation going on disguised as love! Edward and Jacob both admit to manipulating Bella’s feelings, and Bella knowingly manipulates them both, and of course Edward and Jacob manipulate each other for the sake of Bella’s love! And Bella manipulates Charlie, which is just inexcusable and unforgivable since I adore Charlie! It was all a big mess and bothered the heck out of me. Can’t anybody just say how they’re really feeling and accept everyone else’s feelings, instead of trying to take advantage? Apparently not.
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