Review Detail

4.0 88
Young Adult Fiction 2068
Emotional and Dangerous Love Triangle
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Reader reviewed by Stephanie

Everyone's favorite male vampire is back for a third installment of this bestselling impossible romance...and it seems like he's decided to stay for good (which is good for us readers, yay!). Edward realizes now that he cannot leave Bella again, or both of them might die from the separation. Their relationship continues to get stronger and more intense, but an oft-unspoken deadline is looming in the air: high school graduation, which means that Bella won't be human for very much longer. Bella has decided to be changed into a vampire to make being with Edward easier, but part of her is still nervous about the human relationships and friendships she will have to leave behind.

In particular, she worries about her friend turned werewolf, Jacob Black. Ever since the Cullens returned to Forks, Jake and the rest of the Quileute tribe have seemingly resisted any contact with her. Bella can't understand why she is so devastated about her loss of Jake's friendship, nor why they cant just all drop their labels--vampire, werewolf, helpless human girl--and get along.

In an alarming situation, however, vampires and werewolves are, for the first time, pitched against a mutual enemy: Victoria, the vampire lusting for Bella's blood as a sort of payback to what Edward did to her mate, James. This time Victoria's got an ingenious plan that surely won't fail. With crippling helplessness, Bella can only watch as Jacob and Edward form an uneasy truce over their mutual feelings for Bella and eagerly charge into a battle to save the life of the girl they both love.

To say that ECLIPSE isn't emotional would be like saying the sky isn't blue. Many mature themes are dealt with here as Bella struggles to make a decision about her future vampirism. However, ECLIPSE is also action- and drama-packed. Two lovable boys, enemies in form and common affection, fighting for Bella. Bloodthirsty, bad vampires (who can get enough of them?). I guarantee that ECLIPSE will not disappoint steadfast Twilight fans, and we are all looking forward to the fourth and final book with barely contained impatience.
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