Review Detail

3.7 2
Young Adult Fiction 236
Loved it!
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I. Loved. This. Book. It is so hard to say what I loved about it the most. I am torn between the characters and the setting.

Lets start with the setting. Scotland and Doon. Obviously, Scotland is a fun setting- period. But then you add in this fantastical place of Doon. There are castles, and mysterious fog, and hotties in kilts. I guess I need to talk about the characters, because that's where my mind is. Duncan and Jamie are delightful. DELIGHTFUL. I don't get all swoony over book characters, but these two make me want my own kilt wearing hunk.

Duncan and Jamie are brothers and the princes of Doon. Duncan is also an open book with his feelings for Mackenna. He is charming and clever and oh so delicious. His brother, Jamie, has the same level of hunkiness but he's a brooding mystery. I LOVED seeing how these two characters interacted with the female leads. Now, add in a delicious Scottish accent and I became a melted puddle of mush. I dinna want the story to end! (See my Scottish accent there? eh?)

Veronica and Mackenna were also great characters. They were very different, but that difference seemed to make them stronger characters. Veronica is the hopeless dreamer and optimist. Mackenna is a bit more cynical. Each characteristic brings out the best in Veronica and Mackenna. In fact, the story would be pretty flat and predictable if both girls wanted the same thing. I enjoyed seeing how they each developed as the story went on. I am also THRILLED to know that this is going to be a series. I will be reading all of these books and relishing them as if they were dipped in gold.
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