Review Detail

4.4 70
Young Adult Fiction 588
Okay... So here's the thing:
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
When I first read this book, I was so happy with it. I adored each and every character so much and the plot was to die for. And a couple of months later, I picked it up again...
I realized that the characters were somewhat of replicas of every other YA novel. Think about it; a strong leading female role who tries to show that she's strong enough to deny all possibilities of 'love' until it all falls into place. Does that not sound familiar? The plot to me had now become repetitive from other YA novels to after delving further into the basic story. Think again; a society divided because of a war that had happened, and it's to try and put things at ease between the government and the portions of a separated country? All too familiar.

I enjoyed this book whilst I had it in my hands reading it, so I'm not going to let my advanced future knowledge of reading this ruin any reputation I could have given it too much. I did enjoy it, so I'd rather not harm my affection for it until it becomes something of nothingness to me.
I know many dystopian fans will love this series.
(Oh and I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby in the final installment of the trilogy; Allegaint.)
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