Review Detail

4.4 70
Young Adult Fiction 591
Best Dystopian Book I've read so far
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This book was amazing! This book was on my to-read this for a while but just didn't have the time, but we had to read this book for english class and it finally forced me to read it. Thank You teacher. If it wouldn't have been for my english class it would probably still have been on my to-read list! This world the Veronica Roth had created is amazing! In this dystopian world you're put into a faction which kinda represents you in a way. Tris's character is very strong. Her trails to become a dauntless were amazing! Four! Four is like the best. I highly recommend this book. Its amazing I LOVED it
Good Points
Amazing job at creating a unique world. Explains the factions pretty well. Strong characters/ unique characters.
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