Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

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Bleh. Did not live up to the hype
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I'm going to upset the cosmic balance when I say that I did not enjoy this book. Gasp! I know. This is proof that sometimes there are books that aren't meant for everyone. This is my example.

I will start by saying that I thought the way the book was written was very unique. I didn't know the two authors shared the story-- and by that I mean, one wrote Lily's perspective and the other write Dash's. Considering that they weren't sitting together writing this out, it was nicely done.

I also thought the red notebook idea was a nice touch. It made for a great adventure of the literary sort. I enjoyed reading the clever clues and seeing where the story would go. I also appreciated that these characters were not perfect and living in a sugary snow globe. They had flaws.

So why did I not like this book? I don't know. I honestly can't give words to adequately capture my feelings. I couldn't connect with the characters because I have nothing in common with either of them. I'm not sugary sweet like Lily and I'm not completely "snarly" like Dash. I enjoy Christmas and believe in God. I think that may have been my biggest hurdle. I try to be open when I read, but when something is so 'in your face' from the start, it's hard.

For someone that can handle that, this would be a fun read. It's light hearted enough with just a touch of somber relationship drama. It is not, a holiday read, so don't be fooled by the back cover. I'm not even sure I would call it a romance. It's an interesting combination of many things.
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Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
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Seriously, someone should make this into a movie. I know most of you have read this book and I’m a little bit late *wink* but whatever I’m just glad I got it for free on Netgalley! Lol. Ever since I found this book on Goodreads, I’ve been wanting to read it and I finally did (with my goodreads friends on We Love YA Books! Buddy Corner group). So our reading plan was to read 2-3 chapters a day and I finished the book two days after I started it. It was so good (ya’ll probably know that already)! The story is so cute and while reading it I thought of these two songs: Love Bug (by the Jonas Brothers BUT listen Princess’s cover of it) and Mistletoe by Justin Bieber. It totally fits the story (well I think it does).

The story is super chill and was very well written. I love how we get to see both of our protagonist’s side (Lily and Dash’s ehem the title ehem). I was planning on reading this during the month of December but I couldn’t wait! Even if it’s only September, I felt the Christmas atmosphere while reading it. The book was descriptive and I could picture the events happening in my head perfectly. Since it took place in New York, I could just imagine the snow going down and Lily and Dash’s efforts passing the red notebook back and forth to a designated place. They make such a sweet and cute couple I swear!

Let’s now talk about the characters. Even if Lily was the school’s captain of the soccer team, she had her flaws (so does Dash). She wasn’t the “popular” kid and I liked that! She’s rather independent and a shy person. She was reserved and mostly hanged out around with her family. Dash wasn’t one of those cool-dude kids either. Let’s say he’s normal lol. He’s very intelligent for his age (16) and even wanted an OED (Oxford English Dictionary) as a Christmas present. The characters were unique, not just Dash and Lily but I mean their family also!

For the ending, omg, it’s such a cliff hanger but I guess the authors wanted us to create our own ending and I think it’s kind of right. It makes me think that the story will go on forever since there wasn’t a certain ending to it. The whole concept of the story is great, I’ve never read anything like it (at least for now) and would highly highly highly did I mention HIGHLY? recommend this to anyone. I caught myself laughing a couple of times. It’s one of those books where you can’t stop reading because you wanna know what will happen next and sad because you realize you finished reading it.
Good Points
You'll just synced into the book.
Has a very Christmas-sy atmosphere.
You feel like you're in the book.
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Pure Magic
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I cannot think of a better way to describe this book than to use the word "magic". Seriously, it is pure magic. Dash and Lily's Book of Dares is guaranteed to have you grinning from the first page and wondering why real life keeps getting in the way of allowing you to read straight through. Are you one of those people who gets hooked on a book and can't put it down? Don't start this book when you have other prior commitments. Trust me.

My favorite part of Rachel Cohn and David Levithan's books have always been their characters. They have the ability to write such sweetly and perfectly flawed characters that I fall in love instantly. It's one of the reasons that each time I see their names on a book, I dance with happiness. I have yet to be let down! Dash is the definition of my perfect man. He dresses well, oozes snarky humor, and charisma does not even begin to describe his witty banter with people. From the the very first page he was introduced, I was smitten! Then I met Lily, who I wish I knew in real life to be honest. She's funny, slightly awkward and has the best taste in clothing I think I've ever seen. Majorette boots? Kudos Lily! Needless to say, these characters had my heart in their hands.

Then, oh then, the adventures began. I found myself giggling in delight as they went to great lengths to one-up the other person. There are seriously parts of this book that made me laugh so hard that I cried. Watching these two characters communicate via the written word was (and yes I realize I already said this) pure and utter magic! I was so absorbed in learning their inner thoughts through their letters. The differences between Dash and Lily's personalities were apparent, but the way they meshed together was beautiful. This book stole my heart. Plain and simple. Seeing these two bond over their mutual love of books and adventure just fed my romantic side. Magic I tell you, magic!

As you can probably tell from this jumbled review, I am utterly in love with this book. Sadly the copy I read was not my own. I need to remedy that as soon as possible, so I can get to rereading this and dog-earing the pages. This is bound to become one of those books that I will need to buy in hardcover format, because otherwise it will fall into pieces from my taking it along with me everywhere. Guess what my bookish friends will be receiving for Christmas?

If you enjoy snarky wit and humor, if you simply love characters that will touch your heart, give this book a read. I hereby stamp it "100% recommended by Jessica".
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Dash and Lily are better than real people.
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Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares is one of those that makes you long for romance, and wish you had someone with whom you could pass back and forth a red moleskine notebook. Honestly, it makes everyone wish for something different, which is truly special. Some people might wish for someone who knows what the word “philatelist” means. Some people might wish for someone who loves to think, or to read. Some people might wish for someone who would choose lebkuchen over rice krispies.

But in the end, what really matters, is that it makes you wish. Makes you ponder and think, and draws you in so completely that when it’s over you wish there was more. You wish that you could follow Lily and Dash through their lives, wish to be as daring, as kind, as brave. But in the end, what it shows you is that, inevitably, wishing just doesn’t measure up. You have to take control of your life! And when you do, remarkable and fabulous things will happen.
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Dash and Lilys Review.
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Reader reviewed by Kayleah.

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares was..... Fascinateing! It was an amazing book. and a  great idea!
Lily's brother came up with the idea to help Lily out with finding a boyfriend and told her to write in a notebook and put it in the bookshelves at the library place. So Dash went and found it and they were writing in it back and forth and eveentually they met. It was so Freaken Cute!
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Dash and Lilys Review.
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Reader reviewed by Kayleah.

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares was..... Fascinateing! It was an amazing book. and a  great idea!
Lily's brother came up with the idea to help Lily out with finding a boyfriend and told her to write in a notebook and put it in the bookshelves at the library place. So Dash went and found it and they were writing in it back and forth and eveentually they met. It was so Freaken Cute!
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Most Fun I Had Reading in a Long Time!
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Reader reviewed by Gaby B

Smart. Witty. Cute. There are so many words to describe how fabulous
David Levithan and Rachel Cohns latest book, Dash and Lilys Book of
Dares. I find that in most of young adult literature, there are many
clichéd stereotypes of what teenagers are like. What makes Dash and
Lily such a gem is that it doesnt fall for the clichés of adolescent
life; it gives you two very unique and lovable characters mixed in an
interesting plot.

Set during Christmastime in New York City, we first meet Dash. Dash
is a fairly serious (and snarly) 16 year old boy. In fact, he hardly
seems or acts like a teenager at all. You can instantly tell how
intelligent he is; its hard not to be intimidated by his vocabulary. He
is very wordy, but that is mostly because he loves everything about
words and books. Its then no surprise that he stumbles upon Lilys red
moleskin notebook at a bookstore. Intrigued by the challenges that Lily
dares him to do, he follows through and leaves more dares for her to do.
Each chapter switches perspectives between Dash and Lily. (Levithan
wrote Dashs chapters and Cohn wrote Lilys.) When we meet Lily, she
couldnt seem more opposite than the snarly Dash. Shes lively, hopeful,
and a little weird. In my opinion, her weirdness adds to her charm. As
they exchange messages and dares (without ever meeting), they begin to
learn more about themselves and each other.

Levithan and Cohn write some of the best characters in young adult
literature. Most of you will probably be familiar with their first book
together, Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist. Expect the same kind of
formula in this book: the run-around of New York City, the offbeat but
hilarious side characters, the undeniable wit and charm of the dialogue.
And like Nick & Norah, this book is already in the works to
become a film! Lena Dunham (Shes getting a lot of buzz for her indie
movie, Tiny Furniture.) is set to write and direct the flick.

Its really hard not to love this book. I laughed aloud so many
times. (Everyone needs a friend like Boomer.) Its a wonderful ride and
perfect for the holiday season. Its great for anyone at any age. The
book isnt dumbed down to typical teenage lingo; Dash and Lily are
very articulate like many other real-life teenagers I know. This is
definitely not a story to pass up. (PS: I know youre not supposed to
judge a book by its cover, but the cover for this book is one of my
favorites. Kudos to the cover designer!)

Reprinted here with author's permission. Original: http://www.theyoungfolks.com/?p=501

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Funny & Well-Written
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Reader reviewed by Ruthie

Mix these two authors together and you get an awesome book full of hilarity, awesomeness and holiday spirit. Cohn and Levithan were extremely good at writing in teenage voices and you could truly sympathize with the characters. Dash was my favorite, he seemed just a tad more down-to-earth than Lily although that was the point. This was a good holiday novel, perfect from Christmas till New Years and is definitely something I'd recommend. I plan on reading more of Cohn and Levithan's work, they're a terrific duo!

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