Review Detail

3.7 1
Young Adult Fiction 223
A Strong Historical Fiction Debut
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould is an epic story of indulgence, secrets, and forbidden love. It was a lovely historical fiction debut from Sasha Gould, and I am very eager to see what Sasha Gould will come up with next.

I was entranced by the gorgeous writing of Cross My Heart. Sasha Gould can weave a wonderful tale. The were parts of the plot that seemed a bit random in execution to me. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it, because I did, I just didn’t know where some of the plot points were coming from. That aside, Cross My Heart really had a cool plot. I loved the aspect of the secret society, the banter between all the characters, and the relationships formed throughout the course of the novel.

The relationship between Laura and Giacoma was really cute. It felt a bit rushed at first, but that was overshadowed by everything that happened following their beginning. I really loved both of them as characters. Laura had spunk, which is always fun in a historical fiction book. The characters were such a fun mix. Faustina was so awesome, there’s no other way to put it. The secondary characters all really stood out in my mind.

Cross My Heart is a must read for fans of historical fiction. The setting was enchanting and I just loved the story. I am very excited to see what is next for Sasha Gould.

On a totally side note, I wasn’t exactly feeling the cover at first. After reading Cross My Heart, I was excited to find that the cover made perfect sense with the happenings of the book, so major props to Random House for a cover that actually deals with the books contents!
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