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4.0 10
Young Adult Fiction 1034
Nice sequel
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A great sequel to Hush Hush, Crescendo is the next book in this dark romance series. I thought this book wasn't as well written as the first and a lot of the things were dragged out so it was longer. There were a few exciting and brilliantly written parts but it lost my interest pretty fast. I know it is quite hard to write a good book as most of your ideas and a lot of your effort is put into the first book. But other than that, this book is quite enjoyable.

I thought it was quite mean of Patch to start dating Nora's worst enemy! That is just plain mean! I thought it was a bit weird of Patch to be a guardian angel as he doesn't really seem to be the angelic type. His character is quite well written and so is mostly everyone else's.

With a few exceptions, this book is a stunning sequel to Hush Hush and is a great read for all dark romance fans and angel fans. AND for all those Hush Hush lovers out there!
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