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4.0 10
Young Adult Fiction 1036
Lovely Sequel
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When I first got this ARC from Simon & Schuster, I was totally shocked. I went crazy and started screaming my head off. What else do you do when this book that you want so bad is in your hands?

Hush, Hush is one of my favorite books of all time, and after I read Crescendo, it was too. I remember when the cover first came out, I was sorta disappointed cause I wanted Patch on the cover. (Who doesn't?!) After reading it, I get WHY Nora's on this cover. There was Marcie in it, and ... *ARG!!* I don't want to give anything away.

There was a lot of mystery in it which I liked a lot. It gave me a lot to think about after especially since I can't believe Becca left us all hanging like that. (I'm slowly dying inside) 5 Stars of course! I wouldn't expect anything else = ]
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