Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 521
Change is on the horizon
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
Children of the Black Glass is a high fantasy debut story for Middle-grade readers. Wren and Tell are part of a community of remote mountain dwellers whose sole income is from mining black glass. They travel to a city every year to trade it and have all kinds of outdated ways compared to the city folk.
The story moves along at a pretty quick clip, and once the mountain people reach the town, it is obvious we have two very different cultures in this story. However, you will find some common themes that cross over to reality. For example: Taking advantage of people you deem lower class, assumptions made based on where people live, and worst of all, secret and receipt when parents choose to leave families.
Final verdict:
The story is vital for a debut author, and middle-grade readers will be fascinated by all the secrets revealed as Wren and Tell learn more about the fancy town they are now in. Adventure fantasy stories where children are the ones who must survive and rescue the adults always make for a high-stakes read.
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