Review Detail

3.6 9
Young Adult Fiction 911
Not What I Was Expectinng
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Why I Loved It: At the risk of being cliche, revenge has never been so sweet. I read this book pretty early into last semester. Thursdays were library days, so I think I took it with me on a Thursday and wrapped it up by sixth period. And I have at least one thing to say. WHY WOULD YOU END THE BOOK LIKE THAT???

Ok. Much better. Now the ending just makes me desperately want to read Fire With Fire. It's one of the major nerd girl problems: finishing a book in a day and having to wait a year for the sequel. I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I can't say I had read a book like this lately.

Three girls- Mary, Lillia, and Kat -are determined that they are going to get even. Each girl comes from a pretty different background, but their desire for payback brings them together on a mission. Personally, I loved Kat. Like REALLY liked Kat. Her feisty attitude kept me reading.

I was a little worried at the beginning of the book because these books can veer off into predictable pretty quickly, but I found that Ms. Han and Ms. Vivian did a great job with keeping the book fresh and different. The book keeps you on your toes as you read. You can't help but anticipate the next act of revenge. Another strength I found was the well-written minor characters. They really pulled together the book.

I found it pretty interesting how the mild paranormal influence that peeks out here and there throughout the book just pretty much explodes on you in the end. I will say this: the authors made sure I had to read the next book.

My only mild concern was that the main characters could have used a little bit more development. I wanted to understand them better. Every so often, a character would do something, and I would wonder why in the world they would do that. It just seemed so off the wall. Either way, that may just be me.

In the end, the book was well-written and lured me into the pages. I will definitely pick up the next book in the series when it is released.

Who Should Read It: It's a great contemporary read. If you were that kid in school that was always wanting someone to get their comeuppance, you might really enjoy this book. I have a feeling that paranormal might be an even bigger influence in the next book. That pulls in you paranormal peeps.
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