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3.8 117
Young Adult Fiction 1476
Only good to read for laughs
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Reader reviewed by Tiara

I have seen the Twilight series slowly receding since book two. Meyer's ending leaves Bella perfectly content, with everything she could ever have dreamed of. Even though she was a selfish, silly girl from the beginning. She didn't have to sacrifice anything. The reader is left completely unsatisfied. No, i am not one of those people who thinks that Meyer is encouraging teen marriage. No, i don't think that Bella should have agreed to abort the disgusting "Loch Ness Monster".I do, also, believe in happy endings- the kind when the main character has learned a thing or two about life. This story was written badly and the plot was simply ridiculous. Basically, Bella and Edward have a perfect wedding. Then they fly off to a breathtaking little island in the pacific for the ideal honeymoon. Then Bella gets all sex-crazy over Edward. I am not an old granny but I seriously began wonder what Meyer, who is quite aware of her ten year old readers, was thinking having Bella try to seduce Edward at every turn. My little cousin is ten and i would not let her read about Bella's new sexy lingerie that Edward comes to love so much. Then, of course, Bella gets pregnant and ,like a martyr, goes through a tormenting pregnancy where everyone talks about how strong she is. The chapter with the wolf pack is somewhat minutely entertaining because Jacob is the narrator and for some small portion of the book the reader does not have to come in contact with Bella. Things get worse, after Bella's graphic delivery, the "Loch Ness monster" is born. Poor Jake has finally found someone to imprint on. whoopee!!!The book just gets worse. At times I laughed out loud at how stupid it was. Its a complete Dues ex machina ending. The worst part of this is the morality that intrigued me so much in Twilight is gone, vanished, kamoosh. There was a very good reason why Winnie in Tuck everlasting did not choose to become immortal. When i read that book as an eleven year old I was so upset that she didn't choose to be with Jesse forever. I grew older and realized that Winnie made the right choice. The end of Tuck Everlasting, although sad, was whole and satisfying. Meyer's happily ever after for Bella is not.
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