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3.8 12
Young Adult Fiction 189
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Reader reviewed by Natalie

This is the best book I have read since A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb (read that too, it's great). And, that has been my favorite book for two years. This almost passed it on my favorites list, but, that book is beautiful. So this one is second (Still a great honor with me---Im hard to please.)
So, this book is about Paul, an openly gay high school sophmore, and his friends. The characters are addicting, and so is the plot. I understood every single decision that Paul made, even some of the worse ones.
If I had to say something about this book, it's that the world is sort of unrealistic. Nobody cared that Paul was gay. I mean, no offense, but somebody always cares. It doesn't matter how accepting your school/parents/friends/churches are, someone is going to care. And, it might not be in a bad way, but it will happen.
The rest of this book was ridiculously perfect, and David Levithan is my hero. And, even if you're straight, or a girl or whatever, I guaruntee you will love this book, and even if you don't (you will) you will love at least one of the main characters. They're that great.
So, overall, this is the best book I've read in a very long time. And I've read a lot of great books. So, if you love reading, definately check this out!
You won't regret it!
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