Blood and Chocolate

4.2 (39)
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Reader reviewed by E.B.

This book is a refreshing break from what I usually read. Girt meets boy, girl falls for boy, madness ensues, happily ever after. But this book has so many twists and turns, you never know what is going to happen next! Will she be with Aiden the human boy, or with the mysterious, handsome, leader of her pack? This book leaves my hungry for more like it!
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Excellent teen fantasy
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Reader reviewed by Sara

Vivian Gandillon is a werewolf. At 16, she is beautiful and strong, and all the young wolves are on her tail. Her father, once the leader of the pack, has recently died - leaving Vivian and the pack bereft. Then Vivian falls in love with a human. Aiden is kind, gentle, and a welcome relief from the squabbling pack, He is fascinated by magic, and Vivian longs to reveal herself to him. Surely he would understand her and delight in the wonder of her dual nature. Then brutal murders start to occur and the secrecy of Vivian pack is threatened. Moving between two worlds, she doesn't seem to belong to either. What is she really - human or beast?

This book was a very interesting read, seeing as I'd never read any books about werewolves (I usually stick to vamps). I wasn't too into the book at the beginning, but I eventually got more involved. Vivian wasn't really my favorite heroine, but the other characters seemed to make up for it. The pack was interesting and fun to read about... seeing as Vivian was not the most interesting. Still, if you like fantasy and need something new, you should give Blood and Chocolate a try.
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Stunning Read!
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Reader reviewed by Sarah

Vivian is not your average sixteen year old girl. Belonging to a pack of werewolves the lonely Vivian longs to be normal and longs for compansionship. When she meets Aiden, the only human she has ever met who does not shy away from her, she is delighted that she has the chance to be normal and dates him despite her pack's disapproval. Yet things get complicated when a string of violent murders occur and Vivian struggles to keep her dark secret hidden from Aiden, putting his life in danger. After a very climatic ending Vivian must decide what she will ultimitaley choose: blood or chocolate?

This engaging and suspensful novel is sure to keep you engrossed from start to finish and the climatic ending is will not disappoint.
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I wish this were a movie ...
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Reader reviewed by Kristen

Wow ... this book was just plain amazing and pure genius. Vivian, and her entire clan are werewolves. After something bad happened in their town, they move to a new city and try to start over again. In result, Vivian meets up with a new group of friends, and falls in love with a human. Once she finally gets comfortable enough to reveal her secret self to him, he is so terribly frightened, and pushed her away in such an awful way. She eventually finds love in the least expected place (although, didn't we kind of see it coming in the end?)and all is right with her world again (atleast for a bit)

This book was recommended to me by a friend, and I thank him greatly for it because I loved it just that much. I had never really been interested in werewolves at all (and genereally stuck to vampires and fairies) but if you're into any type of supernatural, I think you should definately try this book out. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with this book as much as I did!
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Blood or choclate?
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Reader reviewed by Lauren

Vivian Gandillon is half werewolf, and half human. in school she's pretty much a loner, but when she reads a poem in the school newspaper about wolf changing, she's curious to mett the kid who wrote it. Soon enough she and Aiden fell in love. He was fasinated by all the magical things, and fantasy. Vivian always hid who she was by keeping her human form, and not running with the pack when they went out. Soon she was sick of hiding, and showed her true self to Aiden. He didn't understand and panicked. Vivan couldn't understand why. Will Aiden tell everyone her secret and put the pack in danger?
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One of Annettes Curtis Klause's Best Yet!
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Reader reviewed by Lauren

Blood and Chocolate is about Vivian Gandillon, a young, but very mature, werewolf. After two killings by some of the pack, her father is killed in a fire started by some suspicious villagers. The pack relocates to a suburb in Maryland but it remains leaderless and in ruins. However, Gabriel is trying to lead the pack but Vivian is irked by his arrogance and large ego.

Vivian soon falls in love with a human boy named Aiden. Aiden is sweet and kind and gentle. She's finally making friends and is living a somewhat normal life, but does that satisfy everything the werewolf in Vivian needs? In any case, the normalsey she is experiencing is soon ripped away when a series of vicous murders threatens to expose the pack. Who's behind them, is it Vivian?

I highly recomend Blood and Chocolate to any teen or adult interested in werewolves or the supernatural for it is a rgreat book. However, I advise younger adiences avoid it for many sexual implications and violence.

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Don't judge a book by its cover! This book was GREAT!
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Reader reviewed by Val

Ok, I would like to say that this book was great and I did the one thing readers are told not to do. I almost didnt read it because of the cover. I mean because looking at it makes you think of those stupid animorph books but it's not! I ended up reading it because I told myself anything with chocolate as the title had to be worth my time of day. This book was unbelievable I honstly wasn't expecting it to be so well-written and interesting. Blood and Chocolate is the story of 16 year old Vivian Gandillon who is a werewolf. She falls in love with this human boy named Aiden and all throughout the book struggles whether or not to reveal her true identity to him afraid of his rejection and betrayal. Meanwhile her family and her pack arein need a new leader and his mate Vivian accdentally becomes the mate of Gabriel the eye candy of her mother and friend's mother. I don't want to say anyhting else for fear of giving away any juicy details. Overall this book was amazing romantic with adventure and nough intrigue and suspense that will make you want read the book in the very same day. Plus, the book has a great and wanted ending! And, if you chose to read this book and you likk I suggest Twilight by Stephanie Meyer its also a romance yet adnveture book but has to deal with vampires and its a series!
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here kitty kitty
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Reader reviewed by Stella

Ah! Blood and Chocolate! A great title for a great book! A book about acceptance and self image with a twist.

Vivian is a stunningly beautiful young woman with a loving and accepting family ... most of the month. Because Vivian is not in anyway "normal", her family call themselves loupe garou, you on the other hand may know them better as werewolves. With her double identity, Vivian doesn't fit in with her teenage peers and nor does she feel comfortable with her "pack". This is because she is the only young female and she is expected choose one of the five male loupe garou that she has known since childhood as her mate. But these five have a cloudy past and Vivian is not sure that she can overlook what they did. The five are not the only ones in the pack after her, Vivian's mother's current man, Gabriel, is showing unwanted interest as well. Gabriel, a cocky and annoyingly self-assured hunk-of-a-werewolf, is about 7 years Vivian's elder and is the favourite for pack leader.

Vivian's problems only increase when she meets a boy from her school who she believes is the only one who can truly understand her. And her love for him grows, she is torn apart by the reality that she will forever have to keep a secret from him, or does she....

Even as Vivian struggles with the decision of whether or not to reveal herself, there is another more pressing matter on the rise, humans are being brutally murdered and the pack is beginning to suspect that there is a rogue werewolf on the lose.

A great read for all horror and fantasy lovers alike.
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Kinda iffy
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Reader reviewed by missy

The plot was good and the writing was good. It also managed to keep me entranced, but the content was pg-13. I enjoyed the book, but I would not recomend it to anyone under the age of 16, and i would not recomend it to any Christian, just due to some of the sceens.
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bloody romance
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Reader reviewed by missy

Blood and chocolate had a different spin on the vampire idea. The story, though was still good, it moved slightly slow in aparts. It made a nice romance, but the characters weren't the best. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't my favorite.
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