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4.2 39
Young Adult Fiction 228
Don't judge a book by its cover! This book was GREAT!
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Reader reviewed by Val

Ok, I would like to say that this book was great and I did the one thing readers are told not to do. I almost didnt read it because of the cover. I mean because looking at it makes you think of those stupid animorph books but it's not! I ended up reading it because I told myself anything with chocolate as the title had to be worth my time of day. This book was unbelievable I honstly wasn't expecting it to be so well-written and interesting. Blood and Chocolate is the story of 16 year old Vivian Gandillon who is a werewolf. She falls in love with this human boy named Aiden and all throughout the book struggles whether or not to reveal her true identity to him afraid of his rejection and betrayal. Meanwhile her family and her pack arein need a new leader and his mate Vivian accdentally becomes the mate of Gabriel the eye candy of her mother and friend's mother. I don't want to say anyhting else for fear of giving away any juicy details. Overall this book was amazing romantic with adventure and nough intrigue and suspense that will make you want read the book in the very same day. Plus, the book has a great and wanted ending! And, if you chose to read this book and you likk I suggest Twilight by Stephanie Meyer its also a romance yet adnveture book but has to deal with vampires and its a series!
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