Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 179
Lush Mythology Explored
Overall rating
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The third book, Beasts of War, delved deeply into African Mythology to flesh out the world that Ekon and Koffi traversed. This made the story have a rich tapestry for events to unfold in their quest to stop the war god, Fedu, and return the splendor trapped in Koffi’s body.
Once again, we had a third perspective, Akande, to keep the reader wondering who he was and how he was going to fit into the story. This was the most mysterious tie-in yet to the story because I truly had no suspicion of how he was going to end up being important like I did in the other books.
I enjoyed Koffi and Ekon’s developing relationship in book one. However, Koffi’s use of the splendor is changing her in subtle ways to being a harsher version of herself. Coupled with the audiobook narrator’s interpretation of Ekon’s speaking voice which came off as whiny and squeaky I did not connect with the characters as well in this book. The epilogue suddenly had the relationship banter and support that I missed throughout the book.
Overall, this book gave us a quest where mythology could come to life and be explored in a new way. I enjoyed the lush world created and the depth of the characters. There were many surprises along the way. I liked the full-circle way the trilogy was resolved. It felt appropriate for our characters to get back to their beginnings and face how they have changed and move on from there.
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