Among the Hidden (Shadow Children #1)

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Illegal Kids!!!
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Reader reviewed by Trysi

Among The Hidden is and awesome book by my favorite author, Margeret Peterson Haddix. This book is an action/adventure book, with a plot that totally draws you in. This book takes place in future America, when they have almost run out of food, and have rations. Part of this rationing is to only allow 2 children per household. If, for any reason, someone decides to not follow this law, the illegal 3rd child is killed. Our main character is a 12-year-old 3rd child named Luke. He has two older brothers, Matthew and Mark, who are both perfectly legal, and go to school like normal kids. Luke, however, has to stay hidden at home in his attic, because the Population Police, a group of people who hunt for illegal 3rd kids, might find him. One day he sees a girl in the window of his neighbors house. He thinks he might be imagining it, because his neighbors already have 2 kids, unless...the girl might be an illegal 3rd child like him! While Luke is determined to find out what the deal is, the food is getting scarcer and scarcer, and the Population Police are getting more careful. Will Luke ever find out, or will the Population Police get to him first? Read this exciting book, that will keep you flipping page after page, to find out!!!
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The Brave Illegal Children
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Reader reviewed by Claire J

           Luke is a illegal third child. He has been hiding all his life. Luke has never met anyone except for his mom, dad ,and two brothers, Matthew and Mark. Then one day when Luke goes outside of his home, and meets a girl  who changes his life forever!

          Second, the reason I liked this book is because of the excitement. One example is when a illegal third child gets tired of hiding , and goes out and speaks the truth. It also was a good friendship story.

           Lastly, I would recommend this book for ages 9-12. I think Among The Hidden is for anyone who likes a great, exciting story that puts you on the edge of your seat!

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Reader reviewed by jazzmen

this book
  It's all about a world where a family cant have more then 2 kids, but some families break the rules.
Like the garner family. they have a 3 son named Luke and while his brothers go to school her has to stay up it the attic.
To watch his whole forest back yard be torn down to build houses. He thought it would be a night mare! no more going out side well hidden by the trees! Until her notices they's a family like his! And thats when her meets Jen to find out her fother works with the populatin police (the people who live to kill 3 children)
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Read this awsome book!
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Reader reviewed by claudia

Hey! Are you looking for a good book to read? well you should check out "Among the hidden" by margaret peterson Haddix. Its the kind of story that the author makes you feel like your in the story and you can picture the scenes.
Its also taken place in the present.
I also like the story because the author makes the characters seem real.
I like the all the characters in the story exept for the goverment because they arent fair in the story and they have a lot of rules.
This book has a lot of surprices. some are bad and some are good but my faviorite surprices in the story are the ones that you didnt know was coming.
i think this is  a really good book to read. i recommend that you read this book  if you like realistic fiction stories. You would really enjoy this story.

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read it!
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Reader reviewed by diana

Do you want a good book that you won't take youre eyes off ?.I say I know one and Its called Among the Hidden by margeret  Peterson Haddix Its a realistic fiction  mystery.

           Its not really similar to real life because in the book you can only have  2 children  and its really interesting because there  is a third child.Sometimes the author makesme feel like im part of the story.she makes me feel like im in the story Its like the present time for me .
what I notice is that the author makes the charaters real like if I jen and my brother was luke .always about things .what I think about the characters is that they are really interesting because luke found else when he was looking in the window .I'm telling no more ,you have to read .
In this story it involves police ,children ,parents ,families and other chracters like luke he was a third child and stayed in the attic all the time .
you know what I feel about this story ?I'tsthat you get joy when its just readthis book if you like realistic fiction and mytery.

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the greatest book
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Reader reviewed by Bianca

        Hey! Do you like Realistic fiction books with a little bit of mystery in it?Then you should read Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix.It would blow your mind. 

               It's not similar to real life because our goverment let us have a third or fourth child.I picture myself as Jen because I always want to be free like Jen and do stuff like her.Also it's  in the present.

           The author does make the characters seem as if they're real people because it sounds in the story like they are your Best buddies.I don't dislike anyone I like all the characters.

            Luke is a third child and he has never been to school. he never has gone to a friends house for a sleepover or have a party. He dosen't even have a friend, luke is a shadow kid, they cannot have a third child because if the population police finds out, he dies.His entire life he was always hiding and he can't even go outside.Then one day luke meets a girl that's a third child too.Does Luke get involved in Jen's scary plan?Will he do it or not?

          What i feel about the book is tht it is very intresting and in some countries  that could happen.But if you like realistic fiction or mystery, I will recommend you this book. It's awesome. I couldn't take my eyes out of the book!




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Breath Taking Book
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Reader reviewed by Gabriela

Are you looking for a book to leave you speechless?
The you should read Among The Hidden By Margere Peterson Hiddix. This realstic fitic on book will blow your mid away.

                            This book is not similar to real life because there's a lot of stuff that pretty sill going on in the book that could not happy in out time.
The author does make you feel like in the story next to Luke just watcing and feeling his emotians and everything thats going on. I could picture everything.Margeret explains it so well.Its in the present because we have computer right now and other things thats we have that they have too. 
                          The author does make the character into real people because they have personalities that alot of people do have in this world like fear&bravery.
I like Jen she is my favortie charatcer becouse she deso thing without caring what other people say or do just like me.

                      The plot of this book is mainly about a shadow child. He he's illegal, he he shouldn't be born but he is so one dat he meet this other shadow chuld and she has a plan for how to bee freen and live the way they really have to live.Luke has fear in his plan. Is he going to follow this plan that she has?
                                 I really like this book.Its my type of book that i would keep reading over&over. And yes I do recommend this book to other people because ist really freat and you will just smiply love it.

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Unforgetable book
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Reader reviewed by Sandra

     Have you been looking for a good book to read?Well,I'm sure you will enjoy Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix.If you like realistic fiction and mystery,then this book is for you.

     I felt as if I was in the attic with Luck,around the farm where there used to be trees.Now there's houses where the Barons live.Being in the attic without the present technology was the best way he could be saved and hidden.This book is similar to real life because theres technology we use today.Some of the scenes in the book were easy to picture in my head.

     Luke and Jen are the main characters in this story.At first Luke and Jen seemed like one of my friends, but then they reminded me of all of my friends.I don't dislike any of the characters because they all had their different types of attitudes,either though or sweet or even both.

    Third childeren were illegal, if they were found the populating police would deal with them.Luke lived in a wonderful farm full of trees,he couldn't be seen,he could go outside.Until one day when they cut the trees down, and the houses where Barons would live were being built.

    The book Among the Hidden was a great book.I recommend you to read it,it's full of surprises and mystery.You won't regret reading this book! 

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Astonshing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by HUNTER 14

hi! im writing to you about this astonishing book called (Among the Hidden), the auther of this book is Margeret p.Haddix. And its also a mystery book if some of you like a little mystery, and its kind of a thriller to!   this book will leave you so seechless that will make you beginning for more.

the setting for this story is basically the present day because the poeple from the story have computer's, t,v's and lots of things that we have today. The auther mad  me feel like part of the story because he made everything realistice to my imagination, And he also made every sound,fealing sound more real to me.

 The main characters of this astanashing good book are Luke, Jen, Jens Dad. The auther makes this fake characters come to life when you read this book, its like they are so real to us.

Among The Hidden is a good book ,it will you speechless , and with a fat "OMG" thats how it will leave you when your done with the whloe book.

I would recommend this book to all the good readers out there and I hope you will enjoy this book as much as i did!  :) :) :) :) :)
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Amazing Book!
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Reader reviewed by Karina

     Are you looking for a good book to enjoy? Well, you should read Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix. If you like realistic fiction and mystery, then this book is for you.
      While I was reading the book, I could imagine a lot of scenes. One scene I can picture in my mind is when the farm has new neighbors, but they are rich. Mostly the setting takes place in the farm, however, it seems real. In some parts, I can imagine myself in the farm being one of the characters. In one scene, the author explains a character's house and I can picture myself in there. Mostly it's the past because they don't mention using a lot of technology, they just mention that some one has a computer that that makes a noise.
       The book has two main characters and their names are Luke and Jen. Luke is like a real person because Luke is shy, afraid and always asking questions. He can be negative, and he also is a third child. Jen, in the other case, is the opposite of Luke. She is positive, full of excitement, she's a third child and does everything that other children do. What I like about Luke and Jen is that even though they fight, they always forgive each other.
        The book is exciting! I wouldn't let go of the book! Luke garner is a third child and he is an illegal kid. Families can only have two children. Luke has never gone to school or has never had friends or done anything like other kids. Luke lives in hidding and can go out and be in the woods, until the Goverment had to build new houses and cut the woods down. Now with new people in the house where he lives, he can't go outside. However one day he saw a shadow in another house. There were already two kids living in that house. Could it be another third child?
         What i felt about the book is that some pf the events can actually come true in some other countries. I would recommend it to anyone who is intersted in realistic fiction or mystery because if you're intersted in something else and not that you won't enjoy it. My  opinion is that i really enjoyed it and i never put the book down!
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