Review Detail

3.7 1
Young Adult Fiction 381
Ugly Truths and Wonderful Endings
Overall rating
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All the Ugly and Wonderful Things is one of the most thought-provoking, raw, and entertaining reads I have ever read. Though it was shocking at many times, it never failed to feel anything but completely realistic.

Warning: This book discusses heavy topics, including rape, drug-addiction, abuse, etc. It is not for all readers, but it does discuss these topics in an appropriate matter, so you should decide for yourself whether it’s something you would be comfortable with.

Since this book came out, the hype for it has been unimaginable and yet the details of what made this book so shocking were kept quiet for the most part. I, myself, went into it without knowing a single thing about the storyline or the characters. Personally, I think this is the best way to read this book because it will be full of surprises.

What drew me in from the beginning was the writing style. It was so completely unique from others, simply because it told the story in a beautiful way, while not overdoing anything. There were no page-long descriptions, or information dumps, just the story told in the most simple, yet engaging way.

The story follows a damaged, yet determined young girl named Wavy. Growing up in a household with an addict for a mother, and an abusive father, she learns harsh truths at an early age. Despite everything, she carries herself with a quiet strength, never allowing others to hurt her like her parents have. She lives life on her own terms, which both isolates and empowers her.

Later on, we meet Kellen, who instantly connects with Wavy. In each other they find understanding and hope. People and life have let them down constantly, but their relationship never wavers and they find comfort in each other because of this. It is something so pure, yet almost horrifying to read. All I know is that despite everything, I was rooting for them to succeed despite all the bad in their lives.

Final thoughts?

I have many, but I simply can’t write them all in one review. This book provokes a lot of emotion, yet it does not try to do so. It simply tells a story, and readers feel what they feel. The discussions on this book have looked at the story from many perspectives, but what everyone can conclude is that this is a powerful story. Whether you felt disgust, anger, happiness, hopefulness, or any other emotion, it is a book you can’t hep but react strongly too. This book has gotten so much praise since it’s release, and rightly so. It is definitely one of a kind, and I would highly recommend to all who are willing to try something different!
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