Review Detail

4.8 91
Young Adult Fiction 1387
all- around awsome
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Reader reviewed by edith

i think it was a great book. i liked how she was a diffrent character than the usual type of characters they put in books. i don't understand why she doesn't try to be friends with more people though.

i don't mean like being popular like her sister or anything, but just a few more friends wouldn't hurt. I can't believe her sister uses horse conditioner. i liked how she was friends with her maid.

i really liked her maid though; she was really funny. i waish i had a mom like her! well, mabey not the part about her knowing about everything i'm doing. her real mom's job is ironic: she is an environmental lawyer meaning she cares about the world and stuff, but she totally ignores her own three daughters cus she's so busy all the time.
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