Review Detail

4.3 3
Young Adult Fiction 352
Pop-tarts are the modern world's greatest treasure
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I Liked:
The premise of AFTER THE END immediately hooked me. A dystopian-that-isn't? A girl out to discover the truth about her community that's been isolated from the world since 1984? A fake WWIII? All of these are ingredients for a fascinating read.

Narrated by both Juneau and Miles, the reader follows both on journeys of discovery. Juneau finds out that everything she's known her whole life was a lie. She has to question everything she believes in and everything she encounters along the way. Miles discovers that there's more to the world than he thinks.

The larger mystery of why Juneau's family was kidnapped and why multiple parties are after her kept me flipping through the pages. You can't help but want to find out what exactly is going on and why so many lies were told.

What Left Me Wanting More:
Despite being in both main characters' heads through the alternating POV chapters, I still didn't really connect with either.

The Final Verdict:
AFTER THE END is for fans of action and for readers who enjoy a good conspiracy.
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