A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill

3.4 (17)
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Not really that miserable
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Reader reviewed by Ama

This book is interesting but does not really have any meaning to it. It is just there for some readers enjoyment. But it is good that there is a series because it could get the readers interested to read all of them.
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Another Miserable Adventure
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Reader reviewed by Flak Monkey

We get to be miserable for a fourth time with the Baudelaire orphans, Violet, Klaus, and baby Sunny, in "The Miserable Mill". Once again the orphans have moved to another relative, this one the owner of the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in the rundown town of Paltryville. I'm not sure of the relationship of this new person to the children, and we really see very little of this wicked, uncaring person in any case. Furthermore, because he supposedly has a difficult name to pronounce, we never know his name, he is just called "Sir" or "The Boss".
The children toil in the lumber mill from the time they arrive in Paltryville. Soon they have splinters and are tired and hungry, because they get nothing for breakfast, almost nothing for lunch, and casserole for dinner. There are multiple labor and child abuse laws violated in this book, but perhaps it might make some readers more appreciative of what they have given that many children in the world today face these same conditions.

The children all live in a dormitory with the other workers of the lumber mill, wondering when evil Count Olaf might make an appearance. Eventually he does, in a somewhat surprising way. Count Olaf appears relatively late in this book, and from the time he does the book moves and ends very quickly. In addition to Count Olaf, we have two other characters working with him to make things bad for the children.

As has happened in the previous three books, the children are able, principally through their own efforts, to overcome the bad guys. Unfortunately someone does die in a gruesome, though not detailed, way. Once again the children are on their way to another home.

Of the four books thus far, this one was my least favorite. The style of the books is such that bad things happen to these children on a regular basis, but in this book it seems as though bad things are happening to nearly everyone. This book is very depressing. I was also a bit annoyed with the extremes that the author went to in his exaggerations. This time we have baby Sunny using her teeth in a sword fight, and Klaus using chewing gum to move a log, among other things. These books have seemed to venture further and further into fantasy.

The educational messages in this book are somewhat weaker than in the previous three stories, but there are still some. There are a few instances where things are explained, but less often than in the first three books. Because of the dark, dreary images, and the death, which is not detailed to any extent, I would consider this book to be more appropriate for a 9 or 10-year-old. However, as always, you should know your own child and her or his ability to handle the material.

One aspect of these books I have covered in only minimal detail in my previous reviews. The children are incredibly self-reliant. Often the children are the only ones who seem to know what is going on around them, and they often have to solve the problems they are in. I think the message that children can have an effect and can take responsibility for their lives may be the most positive message in these books. Furthermore, the children typically behave ethically and generally legally when doing so.

Because this book was more dreary than the previous books, and because of the ever more fantastic elements, I rate this book lower than the previous books. However, while I think this book rates lower, I think it is still in the 4-star range. I'm hoping for some improvement in the next book. See you in the next review!
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Lumbermills of Labor!!
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Reader reviewed by Carmen

So, here they go, AGAIN!!!
The three orphans are sent to live with a new gaurdian.
They haven't even seen his face due to all of the siggar smoke...that right there should tell you something... The poor children are forced to work at a lumbermill and, well...no point in ruining it for ya!
Not my favorite one but it is good for what it is...
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Reader reviewed by Calamander

This book is about the Baudelaire's living in a wood warehouse. They're meals are bubble gum and the must cut and debark many trees! But mysteriously, whenver Clause's glasses get broken, he comes back from the eye doctors, like he's been hypnotized.... read this mysterious book to fin out what happens!
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Not the best so far. . .
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Reader reviewed by LJK

After a first-rate outing in The Wide Window, the series suffers a little in its fourth installment. Violet, Klause and Sunny are shipped to yet another relative, Sir, and forced to work in his lumber mill. Although there are certainly very creative moments (worker paid in coupons, for example), overall this is not quite up to its predecessors. As a reader I found myself longing for the moment when things got interesting, instead of longing for the Baudelaires to escape. Hopefully the series will rally in The Austere Academy.
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unfortuately not my fav but still good
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Reader reviewed by lainie

this is the fourth book in the series of unfortunate events.
this is the only book in the series that didn't pull me in instantly. not because it wasn't good-no it was awsome . the only problem was that it was kind of getting to pridictable.
this chapter of the orphans life tells of their stay at a lumber mill.
the baudilair as usual, just when you think it's ok you know who and one of his counterparts show up to con their way into the baudilair fortune. this book though as i said is kinda pridictable is still worth the read as well as the entire seris.
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Asad but good book all in one.
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Reader reviewed by Susie

This book is about three orphans and there at there fourth home since the parents died in a fire. Well they have an enimey named count olaf who was there first gauridian and he whats the mone that their parents left them .Well the mill they live at now smells and all they can eat is old oatmeal for breakfast and gum gum and more gum. And they get paid yes they have to work just like the adults that work and live there to. well anyways they get paid in coupons not the free stuff ones the buy one get one free ones. Like that helps. Then there ia a brain washing eye doctor whose women secratary is really count olaf in disguise. well to find out what happens to these kids read this book .
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It's interesting
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Reader reviewed by Susan/Mrs. Fleming's Class

The fourth book of the series of unfortunet events.

This book is when sunny, klaus, and violet work in the mill. The mill's owner with a very long name that no one can pronounce, they just called him Boss, always has a cloud of smoke infront of his face so no one knows what he looks like. He was very mean, and same with his person(I forgot what he was called)who was acually one of alaf's men..but the other guy was nice-even though he was pretty clueless.this time olaf was dressed up like a woman and got the eye doctor/hypnotist to work with him.
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