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4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 219
Hobbitsies Reviews: Much improved from the first book!
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Okay, so I have to admit – while Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley was a fun book, it also kind of drove me nuts. Corrinne was one of the most obnoxious characters I’ve ever read – and she was supposed to be. But Kitsy, one of the characters in Where I Belong, was adorable and admirable and so much fun, so I definitely had to pick up A Long Way from You because it’s her story.

Oh man, and I loved Kitsy’s story. Sure, Corrinne is just as annoying as ever, but Kitsy is adorably naïve and I just loved learning more about her life. She does not come from an easy background, that’s for sure. With a mother like that, whew. I just can’t even. I just loved seeing New York as Kitsy did and seeing her experience all these new opportunities. I thought Gwendolyn Heasley did a great job of getting Kitsy’s ohmygod feelings across.

The story in A Long Way from You was motivating and moving and fun. Kitsy is such an underdog, so the fact that she had this awesome summer art course in New York to get her experience and the fact that she was following her dreams even though there were so many things holding her back in Texas was really inspirational. And Kitsy goes through a lot in A Long Way from You, and I thought it was a really realistic and relatable portrayal about how hard it is to make the right decision.

I definitely enjoyed A Long Way from You way more than Where I Belong and I can’t wait to read more from Gwendolyn Heasley. A Long Way from You is the perfect book to read when you’re in want of a good contemp about a girl who has goals and dreams.

Review originally posted on my blog
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