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3.9 3
Young Adult Fiction 224
Good second book.
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This picks up right after the other ended, and while it has only been a short time, I had already forgotten some details, but it gets you right back to speed.
There is a lot of tension in this one as Skye comes back home, with her aunt because she suddenly disappeared, at Devin because he tried to kill her, with herself at all of the guardians around and the fact that she is still out of control more than she wants to be.
But Skye is getting more control, becoming more confident even through the confusion and tension with others. I admired her for that.
Her relationship with Asher is still fun to read about. We get to see a slightly darker and deeper side of him in this one that I totally appreciated. And then his lighter, joking side also came back out and that kept things from getting too bogged down and completely serious.
For the most part this one it is mostly character development and build up of the tension.
Luckily I got the next one from Harper to review so keep your eyes peel over next few days for it.

Bottom Line: Good second book.
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