Review Detail

4.8 6
Young Adult Fiction 447
The Best Book of the Year!
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I want to start out by saying that I've never read the other series by this author. The Throne of Glass series... The books always sounded good to me, but my little sister read them and said they sucked.

So this having been my first taste of Sarah's writing, I love it. Everything flows well, sounds nice and has a kind of special way... I don't really know where I'm going with this but I like the way she writes.

Also for the story, it was amazing! I loved everything about it and wouldn't change a single thing. This book is a wild ride of passion and love. But more importantly, it's about a girl who really grows into herself. She is set free from the vow she made to her mother and after that Feyre is actually allowed to be a person and not just spend all her time caring for what at first seems like ungrateful people.

I usually don't feel something for every character in a novel but not this one, I hate and love each one strongly. This author made them feel so real, none of them are perfect and I love that. They have good traits and bad ones, just like everyone else, like us.

I can't say enough how much I freaking love this book, I already went out and bought my own copy after getting halfway through with the copy I borrowed, it was that good.

My only down side to this novel is that it does start out slowly, building the world and characters and such, but once it takes off, it never stops. Also, Tamlin is so hot and strong. How could anyone not fall in love with him? But Rhysand..... I mean... sexy stuff right there. A lot of people have said that it could end up in a love triangle and I am perfectly okay with that! So, if you haven't read this book yet, do it now. You'll love it.
Good Points
1) The Characters feel so real and they advance with the plot
2) The author has an amazing and easy to follow writing style that I love.
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