Review Detail

4.5 98
Oh dear... a horrible reminder of how much the human race needs to check itself.
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Reader reviewed by Ed

H'okay, so. This is a book about a boy's survival of child abuse. Which is a good thing; hurray. But, well... If you'd like to see the miracle of how he overcame his tragic upbringing, read the two sequels; "The Lost Boy", then "A Man Called Dave". Reading this book was like watching a horrible action/thriller movie; my reactions went along this line:

"...Ooh! Owww... Holy *~!#, that's horrid- !...Ugh, thank heavens, it's over... Augh, she did it again- !?"

I found myself just exhausted after finishing the book. Just one heart attack after another. I'd skip this one and move onto the other two, ladies and gents.
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