Review Detail

4.6 25
Young Adult Fiction 281
Are you dizzy yet?
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Reader reviewed by Kelsey

In the class of the high school English teacher she has been haunting, Helen feels them: for the first time in 130 years, human eyes are looking at her. They belong to a boy, a boy who has not seemed remarkable until now. And Helen--terrified, but intrigued--is drawn to him. The fact that he is in a body and she is not presents this unlikely couple with their first challenge. But as the lovers struggle to find a way to be together, they begin to discover the secrets of their former lives and of the young people they come to possess.

The beginning of this novel was really interesting and unique. The plot is so unusual and creative that it just draws your attention full on to this book. With the beautiful cover and plot I sure was drawn to it. And the beginning of the book met my expectations, highly. But then I got about a hundred pages into the book and it just turned. It was just to...weird. The things that go on when she is in the body she possessed is odd. The stuff that goes into her mind is strange. The ending was good but confusing.

The whole part that really kept me highly interested was Helen with James. I just wanted to skip all the parts in between. I also thought that the way Whitcomb had James go was a just not enough for the story. But I was still intrigued. Even though this book half disappointed me I still want to read Whitcomb's other books if she writes more novels.
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