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3.8 123
Middle Grade Fiction 860
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Reader reviewed by Astahri

Most people only read a book when they have to, in English, at School so they are instantly made to hate it no matter how good the book actualy is. THis book is one of those few good books that if you read it without these pressures after you read it you'll just feel like 'wow!'. I love to read all the time and write so i can spot a good book from a mile away. And this book is good!

It's a great book for teenagers around the age of 11-15 it's about all the kinds of issues that each and everyone of us is made to feel at one point or other in life. Being left alone, Rejected, Peer pressure, friendships, love, saddness and much else.

Carl Matt is the unlikly hero of this heartwarming tale. Hes Chubby and dosn't get on well with other kids his own age. His mum had always gone on little 3-7 day holidays just taking off so he and his siblings are used to adbandoment. THen one day Kerry Matt their mum dosn't come back for months so Sarah the oldest packs her brothers off to their aunty Beryl so she can escape like their mum.

So Carl and Harly are shipped off to Wattle BEach when they get their Harly is a trouble maker and Carl is just left out and he's alone this is about Carl and in the background his brother Harley's adventure to truely finding out who they are and being loved.

THe End
Hope yoy liked my review
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