You Are So Undead To Me

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You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay
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ISBN: 9781595142252
Publisher: Razorbill
Pages: 263

Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth. All Megan wants is to be normal and go to homecoming.
Unfortunately, it's a little difficult when your dates keep getting interrupted by a bunch of slobbering Undead.
Things are about to get even more complicated for Megan. Someone in school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies, and it's looking like homecoming will turn out to be a very different kind of party. The bloody kind.
Megan must stop the Zombie apocalypse descending on Carol, Arkansas. Her life and more importantly, homecoming depends on it.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this modern, quirky twist on the traditional zombie tale! My favourite character was Megan. Despite her amazing abilities to control (and help) the dead, she remains determined to have a "normal" life outside of her Zombie Settler duties. I really like the cover of this book as it reflects the story within, without being too cliché.

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quite spectacular and capivating
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Reader reviewed by always with a b00k~sarah!!

i loved this book! ive read quite a few and have a personal library and this book made it onto my favorites shelf. i love the contrast and difference between the two girls and yet in the end they end up needing each other. plus Stacey Jay made it an all out great book by adding all the best genres.... love,action,suspense, and a fanasty twist... and i am very eager to get my hands onto the next book!!
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A Zombie Must Read!
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Reader reviewed by Sara

From back cover:
"Q: How many zombies does it take to ruin a social life?
A: Not many.
Megan Berry is Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a whole bunsh of semi-dead people with killer issues. All Megan really wants is to go to homecoming, but when you're trailed by a bunch of slobbering corpses whenever you leave the house, it's kinda hard to score a date. Let's just say Megan's love life could use some major resuscitation.
Megan's convinced her life can't get any worse - until someone in school starts using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into scary, hardcore flesh-eating Zombies. Now it's up to Megan to stop he Zombie apocalypse. Her life - and more importantly, the homecoming dance - depends on it."

I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I really don't think that the back cover really does it justice. It is definitely one of those books that I will remember and suggest to my friends!! One of my favorite parts of the book was the romantic plotline. Even though I was pretty sure Kayla would get the guy, I still wasn't exactly sure what was going on the between them. And Kayla's confusion about Ethan was believable because of their estrangement and age difference. Lately, a lot o the romances in books isn't very convincing, but I believed in the connection between Kayla and Ethan. The supernatural element of the book was very well done as well. I though Jay was convincing with the lore and spells. I've never been much of a zombie fan, but this book made be see them in a different light; they seemed likeable in some parts of the book. I also enjoyed the humor in this book; I was smiling at various parts in the story. I highly recommend You Are So Undead to Me... And stay tuned for Jay's second book about Kayla and Zombie Settlers!
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How Many Zombies Does it Take?
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Reader reviewed by Lexie

When I first heard/read about this book I wasn't so sure I would like
it. Even though its got zombies, which are just plain cool in any form,
I wasn't sure how I felt about a zombie-shrink. I'm very happy to have
read this book however! Throughout much of it I kind of just wanted to
leap into the book with a chainsaw and be like Ash from the Evil Dead
movies, just because I felt so bad for Megan.

Megan had a good
life going for her and it seemed like it would only get better. Even
though I'm not convinced the quarterback she was so hot on was really
worth the time of day, I understood a lot of his appeal to her came
from the fact he was part of the popular crowd. A crowd she desperately
wanted to be part of. Of course what does any good turn in life
deserve? A zombie attack! Never underestimate the effect a zombie
attack can have on a romantic mood.

The relationship between her
and Ethan was kind of cute. It wasn't 'if he's not with my world is
over' critical, but neither did either of them take it lightly. It hit
just the right tone of teen love--the playfulness that can turn
serious, the first kisses that make your breathing irregular and the
protective need to still hold back a little to save yourself from any
future hurt. I think Stacey Jay really hit those feelings on the head.

black magic practicioner behind the Reanimated Corpses (that is the
red-eyed flesh eating Undead, not the Unsettled) is a surprise with a
capital S. I'm sure if I re-read the book I would pick up on the clues
now that I know what I'm looking for, but throughout the book the only
word that came to mind about the character was 'intense'. Actually the
last twenty pages or so are full of surprises.

I definately
enjoyed You Are So Undead To Me and hope to see more about this
'Settler' lifestyle. I wouldn't mind seeing more about Monica, sure
she's a complete witch with a B, but I'm interested to see how she
juggled all her popular crowd commitments with her Settler secret.

(reprinted with permission from the author)

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zombie shrinks
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Reader reviewed by stephanie

You Are So Undead To Me brings a twisted spin to the typical zombies and zombie hunters. In fact, instead of zombie hunters, there are zombies therapists. How interesting!

What I loved most about You Are So Undead To Me is the very adorable and incredibly entertaining plot. Especially this one part where a zombie sees Megan in the nude and the reason why he came out of the grave was to see a girl nude and now that he saw Megan nude, he was satisfied. I thought that scene was probably one of the most funniest and hilarious scene&ever. Oh, and the whole idea of zombie shrinks? That was amazing and totally original. I also loved how Stacey twisted a usually dark and morbid topic into something totally different lighthearted and entertaining.

The characters were interesting as well. Megan is so oblivious but that made her more entertaining than usual. And her crush, Ethan, also her childhood friend who she had conveniently forgotten after her accident, is back and looking hotter than ever. [Hes yummy sounding!!!!] I am in love with him. Hes so sweet and its obvious he cares about her even though shes a loser sophomore while hes this freaking hot college student. He always feels guilty though especially whenever she gets hurt because he feels like he has some sort of responsibility over her. I couldnt tell if I enjoyed that or not. However, other than his guiltiness, I loved him. Totally.

And the ending was, unfortunately, pretty predictable. At first I couldnt guess who the culprits were but then, when Megan started suspecting this certain person, I could automatically see that person being the culprit. It wasnt as impossible as Megan had imagined and thats the reason why she couldnt see it. Other than that, the ending was one of those typical happily-ever-after scenes but we all need that, dont we?

The cover is so cute. I never realized that it was a skull; I had always assumed that it was a soccer ball or something. It wasnt until I got a hold of a copy that I realized that I was totally wrong. But the cover gave a pretty interesting illustration of the book which I admire.
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Zombie Settler!
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Reader reviewed by Aryanna Draeger

Title: You Are So Undead To Me Author: Stacey Jay Publisher: Razor Bill Number Of Pages: 263

Summary From Back Of Book: Q: How many zombies does it take to ruin a social life?

A: Not Many


Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means shes part-time shrink to a whole bunch of semi-dead people with killer issues. All Megan wants is to go to homecoming, but when youre trailed by a bunch of slobbering corpses whenever you leave the house, its kinda hard to score a date. Lets just say Megans love life could use some major resuscitation. Megans convinced her life cant get any worse-until someone in school starts using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into scary, hardcore flesh-eating Zombies. Now its up to Megan to stop the Zombie apocalypse. Her life-and more importantly, the homecoming dance-depends on it


Review: I bought this book at Borders yesterday just because they had it. It turned out to be an amazing! I loved all the characters and the plot and everything about it. I found it so interesting that Stacey Jay came up with her own zombie lore. Zombie come out of their graves only if they didnt get to do something before they died and it bothers them. The only way they will attack is if someone used black magic and raised them and sent them after a specific person but they are drawn to open wounds or blood. I also liked how the settlers had magical spells to fight off zombies if they absolutely need too. Over all I loved this book and maybe you will too.

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