Review Detail

4.2 2
Young Adult Fiction 237
What We Saw at Night by Jacquelyn Mitchard
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Advanced Review Release Date January 8th 2013

“Live Once.” -Jacquelyn Mitchard, What We Saw at Night

“Allie Kim suffers from Xeroderma Pigmentosum: a fatal allergy to sunlight that confines her and her two best friends, Rob and Juliet, to the night. When freewheeling Juliet takes up Parkour—the stunt-sport of scaling and leaping off tall buildings—Allie and Rob have no choice but to join her, if only to protect her. Though potentially deadly, Parkour after dark makes Allie feel truly alive, and for the first time equal to the “daytimers.”

“On a random summer night, the trio catches a glimpse of what appears to be murder. Allie alone takes it upon herself to investigate, and the truth comes at an unthinkable price. Navigating the shadowy world of specialized XP care, extreme sports, and forbidden love, Allie ultimately uncovers a secret that upends everything she believes about the people she trusts the most.” -Goodreads

From the beginning Allie gains your sympathy. Not only for having this fatal allergy that everyone tells her dramatically shortens her life span, but because she so desperately wants to be a normal teenage girl. When Juliet gets them involved in Parkour, Allie seems to grow-not only in strength of body, but strength of character. Her self confidence improves and she becomes more independent.

As the story progresses, the reader becomes protective of Allie-even when up against her bestfriends. In What We Saw at Night the reader is taken on a nail biting adventure, from start to finish. With extreme sports, blossoming love and serial killers, this fast-pasted thrill ride will have you doing some detective work of your own.

Sit back and enjoy this tale of three brave teenagers and what they saw at night!
Good Points
This story throws a trio of teenagers in an impossible situation, and really shows the struggles and conflicts the characters face, and how they rise above them.
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