Review Detail

4.1 3
Young Adult Fiction 384
One "Wander"ful Read!
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I love those books that on page 2 you are already in love with the story and the characters and are so excited to read the rest. Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard was one of those books. Within the first chapter I was completely sold, and I loved every page that followed.

I just loved the storyline. The story is a mix of the present, past, and rules of traveling, which was so much fun to read. There were also these simply awesome drawings dispersed throughout the story. Wanderlove made me want to pack up and go travel today, and made me about 1000x more excited for my potential study abroad next spring. Wanderlove really takes the readers on a journey along with its characters. I loved all the places Rowan and Bria went throughout Central America, and all the experiences they had.

The characters were wonderful. I loved Bria. She had such a great story to tell. I loved that Bria had to courage to go try this trip, as I am not spontaneous and would have major anxiety over doing such a thing, but what Bria did is something I would just love to do. Rowan was just as complex as a character as Bria, with his own past that he is trying to escape. He was witty and quite charming. I feel like Hubbard just nailed both Rowan and Bria and the relationship that unfolds between the two.

This was a stunning sophomore novel from Kirsten Hubbard. It's one of those books that I will now be pressing into the hands of everyone I know. It had beautiful writing, an awesome plot, and characters to die for. I really just loved Wanderlove, and now I need to go pick up Hubbard's debut, Like Mandarin.
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