Review Detail

4.4 116
Young Adult Fiction 1672
title is missleading
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Reader reviewed by Dancerdork

This is one of the best books ive read, maby bc i like books about the futre or the kids in the story are very interesting. In this world you are ugly untill you turn 16 and you can have the sugery to make you one of the pretties. The pretties are the pamperd bunches of kids who allways get to party. the main character cant wait to be a pretty untill she meets a mysterious girl who talks about running away to land where only uglys live and no one else. after she leaves an elite group called the specials send Tally the main character to find this land. once there Tally falls in love and can no longer rat out her friends but to bad her and the everyone who lives there. i wont go further because im giving to much away peace
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