Review Detail

4.4 315
Young Adult Fiction 1068
My All Time Favorite Series!
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Twilight is the epic love story of Edward and Bella. Forget any vampire romance you have read before, Twilight is unique. It's insta-love, yes, and I have a big problem with insta-love, but it works. I insta-loved this story, too.
Bella is sarcastic, lacking in confidence, and annoying at times, but I like her and can't help rooting for her, while Edward is absolutely devastating!!! The romance between them is touching and compelling. They both are unwilling to give up hope that their relationship is not doomed.
Maybe Twilight is not for everyone. Bella is quite annoying. Edward is too perfect. Jacob is sadly adorable. BUT this book is my very first love! Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, oh how I adore you too...

This was one of the most enjoyable, most romantic books I've read in a long time.
DEFINITELY A MUST READ! I will love this story forever.
Good Points
A gripping story line with a love triangle between two completely different beings.
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