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4.4 315
Young Adult Fiction 1068
I give it 5 stars again. Twilight is my own personal brand of heroin.
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Honestly I was a little worried what I would think after so many years and books between me and my first read(s). I gave it five stars then because of how it captured my attention. I was luckily the whole series was out, and I couldn't stop until I read every last word of the series, including the partial draft of Midnight Sun. The story telling still swept me away, the romance made me feel bubbly and made me imagine myself as Bella. I loved the family aspect on both ends. Charlie and Renee, her mom and dad, and then Edwards' vampire family. Carlisle is so compassionate, Esme motherly, and then there is Alice. She is so happy, and I love how she just accepts Bella in and loves her as a friend.

It made me happy, transported me to a different place entirely, where the words flew by but I tried to savor each one. I loved the character development in this one, and can't wait to go even further with these awesome characters.

I really loved the storytelling and the characters, and the romance. It all made me have that drive to read more and find out what happened next. Twilight rekindled my love for reading, getting transported to another place. Giving me new characters to love, new settings to imagine myself a part of, and a romance to swoon over. It also led me to blogging, because I found some awesome blogs that had lists of books to read after Twilight, and though I dealt with Post-Awesome-Book-Depression because the Twilight series gave me all the feels, eventually I found others that tickled my fancy with the help of my library and book bloggers with awesome recs and reviews.

Bottom Line: I give it 5 stars again. Twilight is my own personal brand of heroin.
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