Review Detail

4.4 315
Young Adult Fiction 1042
Not Your Usual Vampire Story
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Reader reviewed by J. Mitchell

"About three things I was positive.  First, Edward was a vampire.  Second, there was a part of him -- and I didn't know how dominant that part might be -- that thirsted for my blood.  And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

Usually, the first thing I do with a new book is to read the back cover, and, if included, reviewer comments, which are sometimes printed on the first few pages inside, so I started Twilight that same routine way. My copy of Twilight has no reviewer comments, but almost immediately, I discovered I didn't need them.  The above quote - lifted from the back cover - was all it took to get me hooked;  if I had needed more, the Preface would have done that job equally well. 

Stephenie Meyer writes a strong beginning to her novel and doesn't lag in the middle or at the ending either.  I found Twilight very difficult to put aside. When I was getting close to the end of the book, I didn't want it to be finished, yet I felt compelled to continue reading right up to the last word.  I had to know...

Now that I have read Twilight, I know it is not your usual vampire story. Edward and the other vampires in this story aren't at all what I expected them to be; they are far different than Bram Stoker's Dracula or the vampires in Stephen King's story, Salem's Lot.  It's a refreshing difference and one that I am glad I discovered.

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