Review Detail

3.8 6
Young Adult Fiction 294
Catherine Clark is amazing!
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Reader reviewed by Sara

"She's humiliated, she's angry... and she's through with boys. Or at least that's what she says.
This is the journal of Courtney Von Dragen Smith: middle child, product of divorce, would-be vegetarian. She writes the first mega-negative page the day after her boyfriend, "such a Dave," breaks up with her because he's heading off to college. Angry and humiliated, Courtney vows to survive senior year on the anti-guy plan. but can she really give up guys and focus on friends, school, and her job at the hip cafe Truth or Dairy? Or will a stint in student government, an epileptic dog, and a guy named Grant ("like-the-lake") Superior turn her world upside down and prove her journal right?"

This book made me laugh out loud. Courtney is a hilarious narrator and the reader can't help but feel sorry for her, even if they know sometimes that she should just give in!
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