Review Detail

3.7 4
Young Adult Fiction 286
Super fun, mythology filled read
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This was a fun read--nothing too serious or complicated. If you’re a fan of mythology, you’ll really enjoy this series. It’s so full of mythology, you’ll overdose.
The plot isn’t overly complicated with this one. There were a few twists that I enjoyed along the way, but most of them I saw coming. It wasn’t a bad thing though. I really did enjoy just reading the story for the simple pleasure of enjoying a story. No analysis. No deep thought. Just simple enjoyment. This was a good, fun read. (It should be noted that the sexual references were high in this one, so don’t read if you like “clean” books.)
Gwen Frost is a Gypsy… whatever that means. She’s not entirely sure, since she’s the only one at Mythos Academy (or so she thinks). All she does know is that everyone else thinks she’s a freak and she has the hots for the reputed campus man-whore Logan Quinn, Spartan extraordinaire. I have to admit, Logan seemed pretty darn dreamy, even if he had this whole conflicted warrior thing going on. I would drool too. Reading about Logan kept my interest long after I figured out the majority of the plot. He was definitely mysterious, and I—like Gwen-- wanted to know why. Their love-hate relationship kept me turning the pages as fast as I could, until his betrayal at the end. Oh, how my heart broke right along with Gwen’s! Scandalous. (I also quickly picked up book 2 to find out what would happen next. So glad I did!)
If you can’t tell, the romance factor is what I enjoyed the most in the book. The complicated weaving of the various mythologies was very original and interesting as well. I thought the author did a nice job blending Greek, Roman, and Norse mythologies together in a cohesive, slightly complicated way. Along with the on and off romance between Gwen and Logan, other characters develop relationships too. My favorite is between Daphne (super hot Valkyrie) and Cameron (Celtic band geek). They are adorable. There are a lot of transformations and lessons learned throughout the book, especially by Gwen. She has to figure out her place in the mythological world. See, Gypsies aren’t freaks. They are rare warriors gifted directly by gods/goddesses and she is no exception. Her biggest challenge is figuring out how to use her special magic, her touch magic that she views as both a blessing and a curse. (and for very good reasons!)
As I’ve said, this was a fun read. Good beach reading. There is lots of romance, a good bit of action, and a kick-butt main character who is sarcastic and funny. I love Gwen’s uncanny ability to get herself into impossible situations. This is, however, meant for older YA readers. Since the book takes place at a boarding school of sorts, you can guess at the “extra-curricular activities” that occur with a lack of adult supervision. I wouldn’t want my 12 year old reading about that stuff. Just sayin’.
Good Points
great characters. Love the sarcastic Gwen Frost.
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