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4.9 14
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Reader reviewed by stephanie

Sixteen-year-old Kaye Fierch is a modern nomad. She travels from city to city with her mothers rock band. However, an ominous attack forces Kaye back to her childhood home. She finds herself in an unwilling pawn in an ancient power struggle between two rival kingdoms. A struggle that can easily mean her death. Another thing, Kaye Fierch is not human but she does not realize this yet. Sure, she knows about faeries since she had interacted with them while she was younger. But she never imagined herself to be one. Her blond Asian appearance hides her true, green-skinned pixie self. The book starts at Philly in a bar where Kayes mothers boyfriend tried to kill her and for safety reasons, mother and daughter both fled to grandmas home in New Jersey also known as Kayes childhood home. Events somehow rigged by the Faerie world and Kaye finds herself as a human sacrifice in a battle between Faerielands Seelie and Unseelie courts. Somehow along the way, the beautiful knight Roiben falls in love with Kaye, the brave and clever pixie. Kaye has to somehow survive the sacrifice with or without Roibens help and along the journey, she discovers her best qualities and finds a place between worlds where she can finally feel at home. I highly, highly recommend this book. This book had me sitting at the edge of my seat in anticipation of what is to come.
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