Review Detail

4.9 14
An Excellent Modern Faerie Tale
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by Kate

A friend of mine suggested Tithe, and I was skeptical at first. The book initially seemed to be a cheap imitation of Herbie Brennan's Faerie Wars or Charles de Lint's urban fantasy stories. However, I was quickly proved wrong. Black's prose is crisp and engaging, and I was drawn into the story almost from the first page. The characters are interesting and realistic--something which many Young Adult authors seem to struggle with. The protagonist, Kaye, is much more than just a teenaged "bad girl," and many readers will be able to identify with her.

One of Tithe's many strengths is the author's ability to effectively blend fantasy and reality. While Kaye's discovery about her faerie blood is something completely fantastical, her reaction is entirely realistic. Both the faerie world and the "real world" are vividly described and seem realistic.

I would definitely recommend to young adult fantasy readers.
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