Time Between Us

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A Beautiful story!
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review Background: Anna is from 1995 Chicago, leads a normal life, and runs in her spare time, but she really dreams of traveling the world someday. Bennett is from 2012 San Francisco and he has a unique gift, he can travel through time to any location. While traveling, Bennett meets Anna and they hit it off, and when he decides to stay in 1995 with her, things start to go wrong.

Review: What a beautiful story. Time Between Us is a wonderfully written book about teenagers, love, experiences, and independence. But more so, about coming to terms with your independence and living your life to the fullest. I loved this book. I have owned an ARC for quite sometime but had not picked it up, then I got an audiobook copy and started to listen to it....I was blown away! I can't believe I took so long to start this book, because I am super impressed by it.

Anna is independent and a well rounded character, and even as she starts to change because of Bennett's entry into the story, she changes for the better at times. I am excited to say that Bennett is not the cliche bad boy, but is instead a sweet kid who seems a bit lost in his life... and who can blame him, he can go anywhere at any time, how does he have a normal life?

I was impressed on all fronts be this beautifully written book and cannot wait to pass it on for others to experience too.
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Time Between us by Tamara Ireland Stone
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I picked this up because someone told me it was The Time Traveler's Wife for YA and I have been in the mood for a really swoony, moving romance for awhile now. And this one held its ground and certainly lived up to all the hype that it has gotten.
Anna and Bennett were never supposed to meet. They're from two different times, but couldn't be more of the same person. As their relationship deepens, Anna learns that he possess a unique and thrilling ability, he can time travel. From there, their relationship takes off on a very emotional journey.
What I loved most about the book was the way the author presented Bennett's gift. She made Bennett space it out to Anna and he explained it in depth. I didn't feel as if there was an info dump and I wasn't confused when he did it. This is a problem with most YA books that have extraordinary gift or creatures.
Another thing I loved, was the characters. Anna was a strong and driven female protagonist who handled everything in a very grown up manner. There were very few tears that she shed and throughout her story and that in itself is a very rare feat. Then there's Bennett.... I loved him dearly. He makes for a very swoon worthy character and it is very easy to see how much he cares for Anna. I also loved one of the lesser main characters, Emma. She was funny and I could easily hear her accent in my mind every time I read "Hello love."
Lastly, I just want to say Stone's writing style is amazing. I connected to every piece of the story. During the "hospital" scene, I found myself crying buckets and every time they were in Spanish class I felt like I was attending the class with them.
Stone took the "time" (no pun intended lol) to fine tune every detail and create a very moving, detail driven story. Time Between Us is a tale of love, family, and friends and is a must read for everyone!

*Edit* Is there any chance of getting a story from Bennett's POV? Because seeing him as he actually time travels would be very intriguing...
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One of the best contemporaries I've ever read!!!
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Also posted at my blog: http://perrytheplatypus1102-3daydreamer3.blogspot.com/2012/11/book-review-time-between-us-by-tamara.html

I received an ARC(Uncorrected Proof) of the Doubleday edition of this book from Random House U.K in exchange for an honest review.

Recommended to fans of contemporary romance,Nicholas Sparks and The Time Traveller's Wife.(Not necessarily in that order,since I'd suggest other readers to give this book a chance as well.)

Please note that even though I recommended this book to fans of Nicholas Sparks and The Time Traveller's Wife I have not yet read any of Nicholas Sparks' books nor watched The Time Traveller's Wife(yet). The first recommendation was there on the back of my ARC and the second one was by my contact from Random House U.K.

But moving on,Time Between Us is one of the very few contemporaries which I've actually enjoyed reading.I always try to steer clear of contemporaries,since I'm more of a dystopian and sci-fi lover but I've heard so many good reviews about this one that I decided to give it a shot.And yes,I am really glad that I read this because,honestly,this is one of the sweetest stories I've ever read.And after finishing the entire book in one sitting,I really felt like hugging my contact at Random House U.K for sending this book into my life.Sure, I may not be much of a romantic girl,to be honest I really don't get a single thing about romance,but this book was able to shimmy into my heart and I felt like I finally found my romantic side after all,even though I'm only fifteen and I'm sure I still have a lot of time left to find my romantic side.LoL!

I loved the author's character build-up,world building....everything!!!The story was wonderfully written and really easy to get into,which makes it a good book for impatient readers like me as well.The relationship between Anna and Bennett started out with ins-ta-love but that did not bother me at all since it was all so sweet.It had those heart-breaking climaxes but I promise you that the places where your heart broke will be mended in the end.To be honest,I found Anna to be a bit naggy at the beginning and was more eager to see everything from Bennett's P.O.V but that feeling eventually went away as the story progressed.But I definitely found Bennett to be a much more admirable character of the two.Time Between Us is a book that I'll definitely keep holding on to and who knows?Maybe I'll start reading more contemporaries and finally start borrowing some of those Nicholas Sparks books from my classmates.
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Hobbitsies Reviews: Perfect combination of romance, mystery, time travel, and angst
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Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone is such an awesome debut. I was led through all sorts of emotions while reading Time Between Us down and I set it down feeling very satisfied.

I’m not usually a time travel person. It confuses me a little and there’s usually a very sci-fi side to it all and it’s just hard for me to grasp. I like my protagonist and love interest in the same decade. But Time Between Us was a beautiful combination of contemporary romance with a side of time travel and yet still got pretty intense with the time travel stuff towards the end.

And oh boy, I cried while reading Time Between Us. Something about protagonists feeling empty just gets me every time.

I really enjoyed the relationship aspect of Time Between Us. I’m also not usually a romance person – I like my romance on the side of plot, but I thought Time Between Us focused on the romance but had plenty of plot elements to keep me from going ick at the mushy. Not to mention, it was really easy to root for Anna and Bennett. They’re like ultimate star-struck couple torn apart by circumstances beyond their control.

I loved the voice in Time Between Us. I thought Tamara Ireland Stone really nailed the teenage girl and she was sulky at the right moments and loyal and angry and sad and everything just really worked for me. I felt the range of emotions that Anna felt while reading it – Anna could have easily been the girl sitting next to me in English class.

Also, bonus, I love a protagonist with a large dose of wanderlust. I really identified with Anna’s lack of travel and her immense desire to see everything. I even had the same kind of map with pins when I was younger, but I was too depressed by the lack of pins so I just took it down.

Basically, Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone rocks. It’s the perfect combination of romance, mystery, time travel, angst and it has such a great ending. Even if you lean solidy towards contemporary only, or even paranormal only, Time Between Us falls in the middle and I can easily see it appealing to readers of both sides.
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Sweet and Sincere
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Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone
ARC received from Disney Hyperion
Release Date: October 9, 2012
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Sweet, Sincere, and Stunning

Heartwarming and Heartbreaking—Tamara Ireland Stone’s debut novel, Time Between Us, will carry you to another world, where the boundaries of time and space don’t exist and all you’re left with is the here and now. Our past, our present, our future is an intricate web—push too hard, and it might break apart; but push just enough, and you might end up exactly where you’ve always wanted.

I liked the idea of Tamara’s time travel—it was similar to The Time Traveler’s Wife. Anna and Bennett are 17 years apart, which might as well be an eternity. But, with Bennett’s time travelling gift, he is able to jump into the past to meet Anna. From the moment they meet, things begin to unwind, in both a good and a bad way. Watching them both struggle through the revelations of truth was sincere, and at times, it brought tears to my eyes. That is a big deal—I’m not a crier. And I usually don’t like books that wring out such emotions, but I was pleasantly surprised with this book and I’m definitely glad I read it.

The book did start out slow—in fact, I was 100 pages in before I felt like the book really started. But from that point, I couldn’t turn the pages quick enough. I have always been intrigued by time travel—especially the paradoxes like…if I go back in time, can I see myself? And then, will there always be 2 of me in the past? You know, the Star Trek kinds of questions that will just leave your brain running in circles until you start wondering if the truth really is out there! I enjoyed seeing how Tamara approached those subjects—enjoyable and educational, in a sci-fi sort of way.

Anna was your typical girl who meets boy, falls for boy, finds herself in an unbelievable situation. I was not overly impressed with her because I truthfully didn’t see personality markers that were memorable. Don’t get me wrong, I still liked her, but I’m just not sure if, a month from now, I’ll remember her name. I’ll remember her story, her feelings, but probably not much else.

However, Bennett…now he I will remember. He is broken, guilty, and struggling to decide what is best for not only his future, but his family’s and Anna’s. It’s a huge weight to be put on his shoulders, and seeing him through Tamara’s words, I felt like I could feel that weight. He’s also cute and knows just what to say, so that’s a plus! I love his mystery, and Anna describes him perfectly when she says, “The boy with secrets, who still has one more to tell.” ARC, pg. 162 If only there were more Bennett’s out there—and not just because I want to go to Cinque Terre!

Tamara’s write was tight and cohesive, and the story flowed from the page. I loved the times when she got philosophical about life and the future—it was poignant and thought-provoking, and I wish there were more of those moments.
Content: Perfect for middle grade, teenagers, and adults!

So…I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the novel:
“You can take me anywhere. Or nowhere. But wherever you are in this world, that’s where I want to be.” ARC pg 269

If you’re a fan of contemporary romances that will tug at your heartstrings, but leave you with a smile on your face, then Time Between Us is for you!
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An original and believable time travel love story!
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Such an original and believable time-travel-love story!

Bennett travels through time, and usually he does it for fum. But this time, there is a reason he has to go back, and ends up in Anna's time. As much as he tries to stay away, tries to remain unnoticed by all so he doesn't disturb "history", is there a possibility that things happened for a reason? Was he meant to come here? To meet her?
Anna goes to a private school where everyone is the majority of the students are privileged own cars and have traveled plenty. Anna is okay with the fact that her parents both have to work overtime in order to put through her school to give her the best education and she is all prepared to start her senior year, with the hopes to travel once she graduates. It is something that she has always wanted to do and fears that she may not be able to because of her lack of finances... but in the end, life is good for Anna.
When she meets Bennett, its hard to say how she feels about him. And as she bumps into him and little by little gets to know him, she is not sure what to think of him. They're relationship slowly unfolds... she continuously feels that that Bennett may be hiding things; that he may not be telling her everything... can she trust him?

I really loved seeing how independent Anna was! Even after meeting Bennett and the things they went through, she did not completely crumble but got herself together and became stronger.
Oh my, and Bennett... you will fall in love with this boy! Other than the fact that he is a time traveler, he is still such a unique and memorable character. He is not perfect, but no boy ever is. But he makes up for it, in so many ways.

As a teen who grew up in the early 90's (oh my, did I just give away my age?!), who was in high school when Kurt Cobain passed away and who thought that Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam) was a god - all of the 90's references brought me back in time as well! I felt like I was 16, 17, 18 all over again, which makes me love this book even more!

And it has to be said, I really enjoyed this so much more than The Time Travelers Wife, which was much more serious and at times lagged - Time Between Us picks up after about 100 pages or so and then it has you continuously turning the pages! You won't be able to put it down - so be careful you don't get any paper-cuts!
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Enjoyable story and sweet love story
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Time Between Us had me from hello. A girl falling for a boy she shouldn't met, but totally making it work. I loved the synopsis, and the first chapter/prologue thingy drew me in. I wanted to know what led them to that place, what the letter said, and more about the circumstances.
Anna is a great narrator, and I really could feel myself in her head. She has a great voice, and I felt like I was living her story with her, getting caught up in her emotions and feeling what she does for Bennett, the confusion, the attraction and the mystery surrounding their meeting and interactions.
Bennett is equal parts charming and frustrating, but I can totally understand where both come from as I get to know him, and more about his ability.
I think that everything wrapped up pretty well, though there were a few elements that I would've liked explored more, especially how everything concluded with his sister. I also wanted more from Emma and Justin, they were great secondary characters, and I loved the friendship between Anna and Emma.
There were also a few things that I didn't quite understand about how exactly Bennett could travel, but for me, that didn't take away from the story at all.
I do appreciate how the story explored and talked about the consequences of actions. That you never know how one little thing can change so much. When you are messing with time, that is the biggest thing, and I think that Tamara Stone handled it well. I also appreciate how Anna learned to make choices for herself and as hard as it is, separate from Bennett. I think all too often as ladies, we can get so wrapped up in the guy that we love that we have a hard time making decisions truly for ourselves. I think it is a great message and that was an amazing character growth to watch.
Bottom line: Enjoyable story and sweet love story.
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