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4.7 7
Young Adult Fiction 546
One of the best contemporaries I've ever read!!!
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I received an ARC(Uncorrected Proof) of the Doubleday edition of this book from Random House U.K in exchange for an honest review.

Recommended to fans of contemporary romance,Nicholas Sparks and The Time Traveller's Wife.(Not necessarily in that order,since I'd suggest other readers to give this book a chance as well.)

Please note that even though I recommended this book to fans of Nicholas Sparks and The Time Traveller's Wife I have not yet read any of Nicholas Sparks' books nor watched The Time Traveller's Wife(yet). The first recommendation was there on the back of my ARC and the second one was by my contact from Random House U.K.

But moving on,Time Between Us is one of the very few contemporaries which I've actually enjoyed reading.I always try to steer clear of contemporaries,since I'm more of a dystopian and sci-fi lover but I've heard so many good reviews about this one that I decided to give it a shot.And yes,I am really glad that I read this because,honestly,this is one of the sweetest stories I've ever read.And after finishing the entire book in one sitting,I really felt like hugging my contact at Random House U.K for sending this book into my life.Sure, I may not be much of a romantic girl,to be honest I really don't get a single thing about romance,but this book was able to shimmy into my heart and I felt like I finally found my romantic side after all,even though I'm only fifteen and I'm sure I still have a lot of time left to find my romantic side.LoL!

I loved the author's character build-up,world building....everything!!!The story was wonderfully written and really easy to get into,which makes it a good book for impatient readers like me as well.The relationship between Anna and Bennett started out with ins-ta-love but that did not bother me at all since it was all so sweet.It had those heart-breaking climaxes but I promise you that the places where your heart broke will be mended in the end.To be honest,I found Anna to be a bit naggy at the beginning and was more eager to see everything from Bennett's P.O.V but that feeling eventually went away as the story progressed.But I definitely found Bennett to be a much more admirable character of the two.Time Between Us is a book that I'll definitely keep holding on to and who knows?Maybe I'll start reading more contemporaries and finally start borrowing some of those Nicholas Sparks books from my classmates.
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