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4.7 7
Young Adult Fiction 546
An original and believable time travel love story!
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Such an original and believable time-travel-love story!

Bennett travels through time, and usually he does it for fum. But this time, there is a reason he has to go back, and ends up in Anna's time. As much as he tries to stay away, tries to remain unnoticed by all so he doesn't disturb "history", is there a possibility that things happened for a reason? Was he meant to come here? To meet her?
Anna goes to a private school where everyone is the majority of the students are privileged own cars and have traveled plenty. Anna is okay with the fact that her parents both have to work overtime in order to put through her school to give her the best education and she is all prepared to start her senior year, with the hopes to travel once she graduates. It is something that she has always wanted to do and fears that she may not be able to because of her lack of finances... but in the end, life is good for Anna.
When she meets Bennett, its hard to say how she feels about him. And as she bumps into him and little by little gets to know him, she is not sure what to think of him. They're relationship slowly unfolds... she continuously feels that that Bennett may be hiding things; that he may not be telling her everything... can she trust him?

I really loved seeing how independent Anna was! Even after meeting Bennett and the things they went through, she did not completely crumble but got herself together and became stronger.
Oh my, and Bennett... you will fall in love with this boy! Other than the fact that he is a time traveler, he is still such a unique and memorable character. He is not perfect, but no boy ever is. But he makes up for it, in so many ways.

As a teen who grew up in the early 90's (oh my, did I just give away my age?!), who was in high school when Kurt Cobain passed away and who thought that Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam) was a god - all of the 90's references brought me back in time as well! I felt like I was 16, 17, 18 all over again, which makes me love this book even more!

And it has to be said, I really enjoyed this so much more than The Time Travelers Wife, which was much more serious and at times lagged - Time Between Us picks up after about 100 pages or so and then it has you continuously turning the pages! You won't be able to put it down - so be careful you don't get any paper-cuts!
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