Review Detail

4.7 7
Young Adult Fiction 546
Enjoyable story and sweet love story
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Time Between Us had me from hello. A girl falling for a boy she shouldn't met, but totally making it work. I loved the synopsis, and the first chapter/prologue thingy drew me in. I wanted to know what led them to that place, what the letter said, and more about the circumstances.
Anna is a great narrator, and I really could feel myself in her head. She has a great voice, and I felt like I was living her story with her, getting caught up in her emotions and feeling what she does for Bennett, the confusion, the attraction and the mystery surrounding their meeting and interactions.
Bennett is equal parts charming and frustrating, but I can totally understand where both come from as I get to know him, and more about his ability.
I think that everything wrapped up pretty well, though there were a few elements that I would've liked explored more, especially how everything concluded with his sister. I also wanted more from Emma and Justin, they were great secondary characters, and I loved the friendship between Anna and Emma.
There were also a few things that I didn't quite understand about how exactly Bennett could travel, but for me, that didn't take away from the story at all.
I do appreciate how the story explored and talked about the consequences of actions. That you never know how one little thing can change so much. When you are messing with time, that is the biggest thing, and I think that Tamara Stone handled it well. I also appreciate how Anna learned to make choices for herself and as hard as it is, separate from Bennett. I think all too often as ladies, we can get so wrapped up in the guy that we love that we have a hard time making decisions truly for ourselves. I think it is a great message and that was an amazing character growth to watch.
Bottom line: Enjoyable story and sweet love story.
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