Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 1062
Complex, unique fantasy based on Greek mythology
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Threads That Bind is a fantasy/mystery involving a magic system in which some of the characters (the Other-born) are descended from Greek gods and share their powers. Io and her sisters are descended from the Fates; she is a Cutter who can see and cut the Threads between people, things and places. The story also incorporates romance, humor, politics, gangs and family dynamics.
The world building and magic system are detailed, complex, original, vivid and fascinating. There are fantastic action scenes, a strong, determined heroine, an atmospheric post-apocalyptic city which floods intermittently, a large, interesting cast of characters and shocking twists. Threads That Bind was a fun, captivating read but could sometimes be confusing because there was so much going on. The ending leaves the reader with many questions but happily, there is a sequel. Thank you to BookishFirst and PenguinTeen for an ARC to review.
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