Review Detail

4.6 62
Young Adult Fiction 374
*shivers to get rid of goose bumps*
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Reader reviewed by Jessica

Wow. I literally just finished this book and reading Hannah Baker's last spoken words has given me goose bumps, although I know she isn't real. In this heart breaking story about a high school kid who opens his door one evening to find a package addressed to him and inside finds seven audio tapes, each with a different story on them spoke by Hannah Baker, a girl who the narrator had been crushing on until she committed suicide only a while before the tapes arrived.

As he listens, he learns that the people who's stories are on the tapes are the 13 reasons why Hannah killed herself and, as the novel goes on, he begins to worry about why it is that he has made it onto these tapes. After the final word is spoken, he has his time to reflect and change the future.

This powerful novel discusses lost and despair as well as the fact that one cannot change the past. Beautifully written with a voice that speaks out from the pages, "Th1rteen R3asons Why" is an amazing novel.
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