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4.2 5
Young Adult Fiction 258
Changed my minds about HG Wells
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My first encounter with H.G. Wells was not of the pleasant sort.
I read or tried to read 'the invisible man". It was drawn out and really strange. And the image of Kevin Bacon kept floating disconcertingly in front of my eyes.

Am I the only person who thinks The Invisible Man is faintly sexual some how? Pretty sure I am.

That's why this book took me completely by surprise. It had me hooked from page one!

[ The story revolves around an inventor who creates a time machine with the intention of traveling to the future where humanity has solved all the mysteries of creation, science and the world is a veritable Utopia of enlightenment.

When he travels to the future to find that human race has lost its humanity we are treated to the musings of a brilliant man, H.G. Wells, through his protagonist, The Time Traveler. (hide spoiler)]

When you look at Wells's life, you'll find that he spent his last few years warning humanity about a terrible fate that would befall it. He died shortly after the detonation of the first atomic bomb.

He spent his entire life prophesying about the future of mankind and all possible futures that our various actions will lead to.

I can just picture Wells putting years and years of frantic fitful though about the future of humanity into one hundred and fifteen pages.

The book had a slow start like most classics but if you stick with it you'll be amazed at how intriguing it all is.
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