Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 212
Fun Summer Read
Overall rating
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"The Taming of the Drew" by Stephanie Kate Strohm is a quick, fun summer read. Cass, our lead character, has been cast as Kate in the SAD production of "The Taming of the Shrew." SAD stands for Shakespeare at Dunmoor, an apprentice program for young actors. Cass enjoys most of the other actors in her ensemble with the exception of Drew, a guy who can match her rude and obnoxious nature. Amy, Cass' new friend, falls for Drew, and they, along with their roommate Heidi, decide to tame Drew the same way Petruchio tames Kate. What ensues are pranks, hijinks, and summer fluffies.

The characters in this book follow theater geek archetypes, but are allowed to have extra personality. There are numerous references to older pop culture and theater, so this book is best placed into the hands of a tween or teen that either gets them or who can follow up later on. Despite the references, this definitely has a place in the young adult section for all those who are theater geeks or are looking for a fun, easy summer read.

This book has a hate-love romance alongside a love triangle. While I normally detest tsundere* characters, I will make an exception for Cass. While the characters don't really grow or evolve much in the course of this novel, I could see Cass' feelings unfold on paper in a really nature way. Unlike most love triangles, I ended up rooting for the canon couple.

If you are looking for a summer breeze to read, look no further than "The Taming of the Drew."

*(Japanese term for a character who is rude or cold before showing a warmer side to their love interests)
Good Points
Fun and quick. Great for summer!
Can be easily read by middle graders.
Extra points if you love theater.
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