Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1255
Vampires versus the Fae
(Updated: February 01, 2024)
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In a clash of supernatural worlds, our four main characters fight for the ending they deserve. With the Vale and the Wyld at war, each person must choose their side. Finally reunited with her mother, Celine finds herself not wanting to leave her side, no matter how much Bastien pleas. Pippa finds herself dragged away violently by the wolves and Arjun is left behind to mourn her.

When Bastien learns of Celine’s mother’s schemes, he decides he will do anything to save her. But with communication not being their strongest attribute, Celine assumes Bastien is plotting against her. Poisoned by the words around her, Celine can’t determine which direction is the correct one and feels like she has nobody on her side. Pippa goes through the transformation of a lifetime and her path leads her back to her heart, Arjun. But war waits for nobody.

THE RUINED is the fourth and final installment of The Beautiful series, but it doesn’t really feel like an ending. I’m not sure if she’s preparing for spin-offs, but I still have so many questions. Like the others, it alternates point of views between Celine, Bastien, Arjun, and Pippa, but this time, I feel like they lacked their usual depth. Except Arjun. He never fails to disappoint. While the plot is fast paced, most of it was driven by high emotions rather than context.

Final Verdict: Overall, it’s a decent read, especially if you’re this far invested into the series. I do hope there’s going to be some spin offs so we see some loose ends tie up. I would recommend this to fans of fantasy, romance, politics, and the supernatural. We get to see fae, werewolves, and vampires all clash together in a fight to be at the top.
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