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Young Adult Fiction 326
Great conclusion for the trilogy
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I finally did finish it! To be honest, I was kind of sad to let this trilogy go because I love the books so much but I had to because it'll happen sooner or later. Haha!

I love this book to pieces! It literally consumed me. Or effed my mind completely. I love from start to finish. Okay, I feel like this review will just consist of the words, "I love..."

The characters grew quite well. There was definitely more sense of maturity to them. I like that the book expounded more details about Jamie, Stella and Daniel! I love (here we go again) Daniel, and the way he looks out for Mara is just so adorable! Jamie was absolutely funny! I like this quirky sense of humor, and the fact that he could still be funny even after everything they've been through.

I have to admit I was craving for Noah Shaw, hoping for him to be still alive because we didn't get to see his character until about two-thirds of the book, I guess. And he's still the perfect Noah I imagined from the first two books. Her love for Mara, and vice versa, just makes me turn into a puddle. Chapter 73 was... OH WOW.

This was a great conclusion to the trilogy. I had my questions answered, no loose ends. I only wished I finished this one before I met Michelle just so I could tell her how amazing this journey was for me.

This book, and the series in general, has the right mix of everything. From the creeps, humor, to drama and romance. I don't think the book creeped the heck out of me, but I think that's because I don't get easily creeped out but I think it grew darker compared to the first two books. Anyways, if you haven't read the books yet (what is wrong with you??), I suggest you go find a copy and start reading this masterpiece.
Good Points
great character development, excellent plot points
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